oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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a big day

Today was "lumbar epidural injection" day with cortisone....I've been counting the days waiting...and I won't go into details...because it IS a 6 inch needle...not sure why because if it went in 6 inches it would be poking out my belly button...and it didn't...but it felt like it might...and it really hurt! 

I will go on about just a few wild things that happened.

  • First, my "Interventional Neuroradiologist"...came in looking um, like a 25 year old tan "surfer dude" (he's actually a 42 yr old Dad)...we picked him after numerous physician interviews and "opinions" from the medical community...I waited a week just to get into see him..after being told 99% of all the referrals go to him...he was delightful and talented....but he wore no white lab coat and took notes on his "palm pilot"...uh, his hand.  Said he would certainly not lose those notes....with those  notes he  marked my back up designating where the needles would go in....really? In the end, he was an amazing physician, perfectly professional, and an expert in his delivery of pain relief!

  • After getting ready in the x-ray room he went out of the room, came back in and said I was being upgraded to the MRI room...seems there is better lighting in there....oh really?  Ok, perhaps it was the Mistah's presence in the room...not sure...but I'll take it.

  • So...onto the injections....it's kinda like the dentist....so many injections to numb the area you are thinking to youself, "why bother...I've just had 8 injections....BUT, I digress....the ultimate sensation when the cortisone starts flooding into your body....the sound of a freight train begins SCREAMING in your ears....your tongue goes numb and you IMMEDIATELY feel as if you just choked down 3 um, straight bourben shots...I'm not exactly sure if that's what it feels like but I'm guessing bourben would have the biggest effect.

  • in the fog I do remember him apologizing (with the repeated movement of the MRI guided needle) saying "my anatomy is such that he is having difficulting navigating around my bone and  he needs to numb it"  what? can you do that?  I asked what he was talking about?  His response?  "Oh, God makes us all different"  What does that mean?  Was he calling me fat?  not sure.... :)

  • I embarassed myself because I started speaking really loudly bc of the train in my ears...AND bc my tongue was numb and my brain was fuzzy...all my loud talking was slurred and had lots of pauses ...keep in mind....no one else is the room hears the train or is loopy....so I am the entertainment and I can't stop.

  • Then we go back to recovery.  I need to go to the bathroom...but my legs don't work....the nurse AIN"T going w/me I decide so I wait...and almost wet the bed...pride does that to you.

  • After about 10 minutes, surfer dude comes in to check on my progress....wearing a white lab coat....for me.....the nurse just laughed after he left...said in all her years she's NEVER seen him wear one...thought it was for the Mistah.....we just laughed.  It did make me feel better to see something with the Hospital's logo and his name, followed by an MD on it.

.....have spent the day on the couch bc my legs AND head still feel loopy AND my body feels like I'm coming off a 3 day flu virus....weak...but...pain level is at a 2....woohoo....first time in 10 months.

that's all!

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