oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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Sum Sum Summer Time

"Zel's Tampa Bungalow"

Greetings....Grandma Zel has been here for the week. She was down here visiting her Sister in "Tamper" as we call it...My Aunt & her hubby are Snow-birds...just down from Indiana during the winter....she liked her Sister's place so much...she bought one for herself... today.

They live in a "Camper-like" community complete with pool, clubhouse, horse-shoes, card-nite and BINGO!!! Everyone has a picnic table in the yard and when you drive or walk by they all "holler" "Hi!".....EVERYBODY is up and OUTSIDE...visiting...... Wow!! So today she is back in Tamper...The people were moving out...& only taking their clothes.... so she's got some "moving in to do!
We are headed off to St. Augustine for the week. We will be celebrating Miss Whitney's "Sweet 16" b-day at the beach...just doesn't get any better than that!!!!

There will be no computer access at the beach (because I'm leaving it at home) so Marc and Whitney can enjoy the beach!!!!

Grandma Zel and Whitney posing with Mr. Gator...had to take the Yankee to eat some gator tail...she liked it!!! (Whitney wanted to shoot me for making her pose for this picture...so here you are Whitney...for the whole world to see...you, Grandma and Mr. Gator!)

World's worst

....Ok, so we forgot to check "rottentomatoes.com"...we really should have....this has to be the worst movie I have EVER seen....ughhhhh, please, tell everyone you know to stay away!
  • "Simultaneously silly and morbidly depressing..."
  • "Movie begins shameless, gross, stupid and winds up silly"
  • "Theologically minded science fiction"

It had aliens for goodness sakes...that Nicholas Cage allowed his son to be taken by...to an "other world"...while he stayed behind for the last day of the world.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

All this fun after we FORGOT to make reservations at Slow-cala's favorite Restauant....we thought we'd just slip in for some dinner on wild and crazy Friday nite....what were we thinking???...the girl said it would be "35 minutes"...we thought that wouldn't be too long...it was 50 minutes...we waited oustide on the church pew (it wasn't toooo awfully cool) and listened while a car 20 feet away decided it's alarm should go off.....every 15 minutes....the owners NEVER heard it.......at least the food was amazing (waitress was a little stressed and snippy)!!! Note to self: Never attempt to "slip in" to BoneFish on Friday nite at 7PM.....it could be fatal.....

our "buzzer"

Miller-4...outside...waiting.....on the pew....a little "punchy" after listening to the car alarm and waiting waiting waiting.........:)

see I am doing a new thing...

Ok...alot going on here....lots of new stuff.

#1 Finally went Gator watching....very exciting...I laughed at the "men-boys" that were on the boat....when you go out you have lights on your heads...attached to a car battery...you shine it on the water and gator eyes shine red...thats how you 'spot' them...you then, very carefully creep up on them in the boat and peer over the side to get a good look...creepy....but the most fun to the men-boys is the ride back when they open up the boat full throttle, lights on, spotting gators then attempting to run over them with the boat....they always go under but...ahhhhhh! (pics to come) crazy.

#2 Saw the shuttle launch here...we were heading out in the truck to gator watch when we saw this (see pic) in the air...upon closer inspection we could actually see the shuttle flying...so very very very cool..the locals were not as impressed as us newbies.....we squealed with delight...the Teacher on board is a local.

#3 Time for March's 2nd verse...did I post the 1st one?

Psalm 143:8 "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go for to you I lift up my soul".

#4 Got yelled at by a neigbor and told NOT picking up doggy-doo in FL is illegal....ahhh

OK, I'm picking UP natural fertilzer but we pay for toxic fertilizer to be put down....then I put the "fertilizer" in a non-biodegradable plastic bag and put it in my trash which goes to the landfill? P.S. I live in a RETIREMENT COMMUNITY...these people don't walk in their yards...EVER EVER EVER....they don't walk outside period! They are from NY...it's too hot...sorry Jesus.

Liberal-wackos should all go to Siberia....I'm just thinking out loud here..sorry Jesus.

#5 Adah is spending her Spring Break with us...long story...but we're happy.

#6...hmmm, not ready to broadcast yet....

Welcome Home AU Tigers!

Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah!!! They came home!!! We just had a great weekend...improved by the arrival of Adrianne and Patrick!!!

They got to soak up some rays at the beach, watch some moo-vahs, eat some home-cooking, dine out for FREE and just veg! We co-existed in the super-d-duper teeny weeny flat...BUT the time was enjoyed by all...yeah!

Me in 6 words

Sun lover
Cold Hater
God's favorite

Ok, I figured out the exercise. I didn't like it when I said, "I couldn't do it" ...because I think I'm the type that can do anything if I try...and I always try...but this excercise seemed too difficult..then it just came to me...so it wasn't really difficult afterall...I was just intimidated by the task.

Anyone who knows me well knows I love the sun and spend every available second in it....they also know I despise the cold..and do alot of complaining when I'm in it....then, last week my Pastor reminded us that we are all God's favorite...His love is infinite and cannot be diminished even when divided....so there you have it!

Sun lover, Cold hater, God's favorite...
I guess it could also be :
Son lover, Evil hater, God's favorite...
yeah, I like that better!

Gupag for visits

Gupag is itap English for Hurrah on my old cell phone... wrote it so much my famiLy knows what it means!! I guess I say "Hurrah" alot...hmmm, odd.
But...back to the message at hand....we are celebrating in Sunny FL because our beloved Adah is coming home for a weekend visit....she is bringing her beloved Patrick!! ....GUPAG!!!
they are leaving this:

and coming home for some of this:
yeah baby...soak it up!! Clear, sunny skies all weekend. Tell me again...what IS the purpose of snow, ice and cold weather? Hmmmm, I can't think of one good thing....oh yeah, it makes roaches and fleas die! But that's what "sprays" are for! That's all...gotta go find my beach towel....

other people's words...

I like this exercise...state your life in 6 words....because I'm not creative I can't do this but others can so I'm writing what they said...here goes:

  • Jesus knows me this I love
  • Simple heart, hand-crafted, hemmed in (this reminds me of my friend Cyndi)
  • amazing grace, my chains are gone
  • somedays the windshield, somedays the bug
  • traumatized caterpillar, peeking out of cocoon

I also like this one word: mercy hog (that's me)

a view from the past...

Good morning NC!!
Good morning FL!!
I'm glad I moved...but I do miss the beauty of the NC mountains and my wonderful friends!! Hi NC, Hi NC friends!!!

gator IS food

I love Florida...had salad and gator-tail for lunch yesteday.....ahhhhh delight. I love it that "gator" is a "normal" food item on menus! I will not attribute my sore throat and sickness that I am encountering today to my food intake...no-way! I'm blaming my family...my man and my blondey have had the "crud" now for a week...I spent the week bragging that I was soooo healthy that I'd never get sick....pride goes before the fall...it's almost 10:30 AM and I'm still in my jammies....cough cough :(

Also...almost forgot....Whitney and her buddy Em-i-ly. plus the regular "Gator-crew" (Gator-Val, Gator Scott and Gator-flame Mike), are making plans for a "nite-out" ...gator watching...on an air-boat....this, also is a normal activity for Floridians....they tell me I will really enjoy it...I am a safe person, not one adventurous bone or cell in my cough-cough body....I will let them go...they insist I go..just once. I think they are crazy. They've caught the boat on fire, they've jumped INTO the water...they've run out of gas out in the boonies....nope! However....it's not that I don't like alligators....I do like alligator....I like to eat them...and...Jimmy choo makes a great pair of alligator boots! haha!