oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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banged and dinged

what a week....after MONTHS and MONTHS of being sedentary because of that STUPID herniated disc...I'm back on top of my game..well, almost...I must still refrain from jogging or, pretty much anything that involves "bouncing"...BUT I CAN spend time on my bike and in the gym with the weights...so....I'm going pretty regularly..I'm saying to myself, "Yes, I'm back, this IS the road to recovery...."

On Tuesday I finish up a great day on "legs" and head out on my bike...I decide "today I will do 12 m iles" in my neighborhood...that's 3 times around...flat, hills and curves...no prob....I've already finished up 4...I'm heading into my second go round and I get a call from my Mother...no prob I think...I'll just ride leisurely (bc I'm already spent this early in the game) and chat....I'm coming upon a stop sign..which I usually run...but there is a truck so I decide to just slow down......I break with my left hand..bad idea..which controls the "front" brakes...and so the bike makes a real quick sudden COMPLETE stop...but I don't...but boy do I hand onto that bike...all I remember is seeing me go over the bike then the bike going over me....my glasses and my phone go flying...and when I recover I notice my bike basket is crushed...and so are my 2 elbows, haha, but not the "funny, haha"..the "ouch haha".....my right elbow is gushing blood like a faucet and my left elbow can't straighten and my wrist looks a little ..uh, wrong.

The man at the stop sign asks if I'm alright (blood gushing)...embarrassed I say, "Sure, no prob"..."do I need any help?" Are you kidding? I'm "Miss back in the gym girl"...of course I dont' need any help...he drives away...then, very quietly one of the groundskeepers that I see EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE stops his golf cart, comes over, picks up my bike and drives it home for me...I'm 20 yards from my house....he doesn't speak English, he just smiles.

I go inside and call Marc...I'm too dazed to assess my situation so I call him to come home and do it for me...keeping in mind that he told me that AM that he had back to back meetings ALLLLL day...he comes home....and takes me to the ER...calls ahead...wheel chair waiting..we skip admissioins and go right to a private room where the PA is waiting...the Radiologist comes in as well and reads my x-rays to me as the tech is taking them...I love Munroe.

a cracked "radial head" and 6 stitches later...I go home...

2 days later...on the way to the dentist...get "bumped" from behind..no damage...just makes me mad....later in the day....have a "carcinoma chunk" removed from my chest...3 more stitches.....

what a week....I'm tired.