oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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Thanksgiving 2011

Goose & Me
2ND Time is charm....was finished w/this post...complete with pictures and captions and suddenly..."it" deleted itself...hmm!  grrrr  Are the computers of America overloaded this T-giving day and short-circuiting?  I know an I.T. person  or someone from the "Geek Squad" would laugh at that statement...but I am not either of those so...it's just what I think...

back to Thanksgiving....

it began today at 4:30 am...Ollie NEEDED to go outside....this threw my body clock way off....the next thing I know...it's 9:30 AM...yep...the day you are to get up early & get started cooking...I sleep in...sooooooo here is the bread...didn't read the directions first...just thought the picture on the package looked really good.

The directions read:  thaw 1 - 2 hours, let rise - 1- 2 hours...bake.....we've now been finished w/our Thanksgiving feast for hours now....still waiting on those babies to get ready to bake.  I thought perhaps by setting them outside in the sunshine it would speed up the thawing time....guess not!

Now the fam is just chill-axin....Dad & Ollie on the couch, Kippy & Winduh in the chair...Adah w/her puta..Pippa is NOWHERE to be seen...and Goose is beside me...ahhhhh

peacefull, quietness.....why is it that only the odd, unbathed YOGA people are the ones who practice still, quietness?  We should do it more often...why has the "to do " list grown to 90 pages?  How much of that stuff REALLY needs to be done?

not sure....


ok...this is not a complaining...it's  simple observations :)

Yesterday was "spa day"...a little pampering w/Whitney....some time at the hair salon...followed by pedicures.

Now, granted we don't go to the high end spas, and yes, English is the 2nd language of the spa-ticians.....BUT this particular place with his singular name ...using "nail" vs "nails"....has great massage chairs AND their polish lasts f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Well, yesterday afternoon, while sporting my  fab hair and bright pink toes....I noticed I had a new "kink" in my neck....really?  From the Spa CHAIR?   argh...answer:  yes...it still hurts today

So....it is Thanksgiving...late November....and I'm taking my little dog for our morning 30 min walk....I've got my flip flops, shorts and T on....completely comfortable...loving the cool breeze....6 minutes into our walk....a downpour....really?...great...so glad I wore my neon yellow brazierre under my white T......guck

Also on this fine lazy walk on the first day of t-giving vacay....my hern-disc is really acting up...so here's the list:  kink in the neck, inflamed periformus muscle, downpour, and now....because I am walking at a high rate of speed...heaven forbid I get to jog bc of that stupid disc....my hip flexor decides to cramp.

ALRIGHT ALREADY.....I have been faithful to an excercise regimen for 30+ years...I am not overweight and I am not old....WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY does it feel like I am?


I AM thankful for

  • 2 legs,
  • the ability to walk,
  • for a neck that holds my head straight up (vs bent over)
  • a head that can think (although yesterday I did have a brain freeze and w/a straw in my diet coke I tipped the can to "sip" and spilled it all over my smock at the hair place...really?)
  • for cortisone epidural injections
  • the Mistah's job that pays for spa days & pedi's w/massage chairs
  • The Mistah, 2 lovely daughters, my extended family and fab friends all over this nation
  • Ollie & Goop
  • a home...oops 2 homes (grr, ok, I'm trying here)
  • the good health I do have
  • and a God who loves me madly and thinks I'm the best...in the midst of my ugliness...and gave up His life, His glory, and the perfection of heaven...just for me!
Happy Thanksgiving do do dooooooooo!   :/

Thanksgiving starts here...

Fresh Hair-cuts

Every good holiday begins with pampering...today was haircuts, color and pedicures....followed by some errand running and shopping....a good day. 

Let's just see what the rest of the week holds.....I'm ready...it's only Tuesday and alllllll the groceries have been picked up for the Thanksgiving weekend....oh yeah...this year...I am on TOP of it!!!  Oh, and also.....Christmas picture card has ALREADY been picked out...just have to take the picture (outfits have been assigned and setting ready) upload it and "drag" it onto the digital card, click 'add to cart' and voila...away we go...Christmas HAS begun!

that's all


FSU vs UVA...lost by 1...durn!

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Happy Miller girls watching football!
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Papa and his "kids"

the "Kids" ...not so happy road travelers!!
oh hello....where have I been?  not sure...probably 1000