oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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a big "if"

If you are dumb, you should not vote in America.

Please leave important decisions to US Citizens who can read, write and reason.

That's all!


I love this little dog....although there is no sound (because I don't want to take the time to figure that out..(details details...grrrr) you can tell that he is listening, and then responding with a resounding "YES I DO WANT TO GO FOR THAT WALK...GLAD YOU SUGGETED THAT!!!"  LET"S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Today I am thankful and wishful....

I am thankful for peace in the house....although I am the only one here...err awake...


I am wishful....I wish there was an "off" switch in my head for the voice that bothers me shouting, "GO TO THE GYM, GO TO THE GYM"....Also, an "off" switch for the voice that shouts (accompanied by the jumpy, over-zealous pup) "as long as you are going out...take me too...I know it only adds 30 minutes to the work out and it is outside in the FL heat, but Mom, I love you soooooooooooo much".....I also wish there was an "off" switch for my new found voracious appetite....so I could justify ignoring the "gym" voice shouting in my head.

I'm signing off here....I'm going to the gym...yeah I HEARD ya....shut up already, good grief :)!

and one more thing....


I love watermelon....but labels like this just plain confuse me.....

Salmon and spinach...dinner of champions!!!!  Yummy!!!


Errand Day...not the best idea since the heat index was ..mmm? 1000 degrees?  Yep!

Went to Books-a-Million...it's closer than Barnes & Noble...mistake....BAM is like  Goodwill, B&N is like Neiman's...just no comparison in the "shopping experience".  However..in both stores I'm a little uncomfortable.  I LOVE books...but bookstores seem now more like liberal wacko propaganda machines crankin out garbage.....but I press on just because I like to be around books.  I still HAVE to turn over the books with Hillary, Bill and Obama on them...I have just a small role in  NOT promoting their socialist wackoism.  Not sure how much of an impact my actions have...but with so much said about marketing...well, "un-marketing" must do some good....I don't really know

Once I found my book...actually I make THEM find my book...always...it's my passive-aggressive way of punishing them for making me uncomfortable in what would be so pleasurable an experience...    I just started to look around and then snapped a few phone pics:

I just want to ask the Author....when considering a potential Publisher...was it difficult to hide your smile?  Are you a Kook, a Frat Boy or just a funny, f unny guy?  Not sure.

This is a whole book on "CAKE WRECKS"...I try not to stereo-type or judge...but I think I know who took the order for this cake (I actually have 2 "types" in mind...both are girls)
 Some well meaning friend went into the grocery store bakery and said, "I'd like to order a cake for my friend Suzanne"...The un-identified stereoped person answers, "mmmkay, wut u wont it to say?"  The sweet friend says, "Well, how about, Best Wishes Suzanne...and underneath that write We will miss you?".  clerk says, "k, b ready friday."
The sweet friend thinks to herself, "oh ok, wow, ...um, good-bye, thank you?!"....no response.

Friday comes and voila..."here's yor kake lady" , that'll be twenny fore niney figh"

Oh America, please go back to paying attention in School.  Really, it is better for YOU to be educated, I promise.

Next stop on errand day was the grocery store....I saw these and immediately smiled.  Someone out there still has a sense of humor and truly desires to makes others happy. 

Oh,Hello, sweet kitty.  Lu, did you pose for this while you were in Hollywood?  Come home Lu, we miss you!


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....I am celebrating the fact that I am able to go to the gym EVERYDAY if I want now...AND, for the first time in 7 months I was able to do sit-ups....but that only lasted 1 day...durn, next time I tried ... it was a "no go"....but that's ok...my faith has been restored...I WILL do them again!!

On my daily bike trip to the gym I decided...."today I will NOT wear the helmet"....I don't like the helmet...I think it's dumb but I also realize when I say that I am acting like a teenager...just being stupid.  Nevertheless....I left it at home. The gym is in the nay-bah-hood and on the way there I pass by the Ortho-Surgeon's house (he did my elbow follow-ups....) and what do I see?????  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, his garage door going UP.....I think to myself....I will just go fast....he won't catch me....yeah, sure.   I hear the car quickly approaching me and I'm praying, "please please please, don't recognize me"...(sure, again)...and to my oh so mah-va-lus pleasure...it's his wife....she doesn't know me.

So....am I wearing my helmet because it's the right thing to do in order to assure my safety in case I crash (again) OR out of guilt?  

 guilt...  I don't want to be caught by all the people who have scolded me!  grrrr!

Laundry day with me and the kids.....


This was a fun weekend!!  Saturday nite was spent with friends at Bonefish....celebrating our Pastor Mike and his wife, Suzanne's 30th wedding anniversary and her 50th b-day.  When I looked around the table I saw my favorite people from Ocala....and noticed, hmm, the Pastor and all the Elders from our church are here...plus a few extras...my favorite people...good people...I wonder..."why don't we spend more time with these folks?"  Answer:  we're all really busy....but...it's time to put in the extra effort.

The pic with the cars....yep, I was a creeper at the July 4th party.  Our builder here, did the renovations on the estate where the party was...he gave us a tour of the house that he built...once the tour ended he said, "you may want to take a look inside the garage"....we did....wow, Lamborghini (I have no idea how to spell that), Ferrari and a GT something....the guy drives an old blue pickup to work....awkward...weird....hmmm!  I slid my hand along the paint....felt like marble....I really would like to have taken one of these babies out for a spin...but with 400 people hanging around...they'd probably notice..and, I didn't have the keys....durn!

Before Community Group on Sunday Marc & I slid by the funeral home....a co-worker's 93 year old Mom passed away this weekend....2 funerals in one week for us...we are getting older...we thought we would pop in and out...we stayed 45 minutes....we asked, "how are you doing?"  She responded...wow, is it my imagination or do people talk ALOT more now?  I feel like they do...but maybe I've just become one of those old cranky people who are irritated by noise...I hope not...

that's all.

I did it!

ok...it's true..."bodies in motion blah blah blah"......back from the gym...still nobody here...Whit came and went...Marc's on his way....took Ollie for a walk...donned that STUPID helmet...feeling like a #1 total dork-head and went to the gym...spent an hour there...then rode my bike hard and fast back home....before the rain started...yep, missed the sun...but I'm not going to sweat it because I KNOW it will be back tomorrow if not later today...I have to stop worrying about the sunshine.  The 2 cancer spots that have been removed should be my first clue...the fact that I've been here 3 years is the 2nd.....

It's time for a shower because today is a hair, makeup, clothes and jewelry day....also considered a "big day", hahahahhaha

Bonefish is on the agenda for tonite.  Oh yeah!!

appreciate the simple things...

Alrighty...11 am on Saturday....no one here but me and the "kids"....Marc is working (yep, on Saturday)...Winduh hasn't made it home from a sleepover...time to get MOVING....I like that commercial that says, "A body in motion is more likely to stay in motion.  A body at rest stays at rest..." or something like that....this body NEEDS to get moving....so....time to go to the gym...

It is still difficult living in FL when EVERY DAY is a sunny day....yeah, yeah, I know it's high 90's FOREVER...but the Ashevillian in me is still afraid Winter is coming...Winter is NOT coming...and if it did...well, is 45 degrees really that awful?  Uh?...nooooo....so...when I start to put my workout clothes on I look outside and go, "oh my, sun's out...I should skip this workout and go layout"...nevermind that there are 10 months of "laying out" weather....Are you kidding?  Get your butt to the gym or you're not gonna fit on that lounge chair. 

OK OK...I'm going...but I had to add this pic first.....had stuffed clams last nite..yes, out of a box...the Mistah,  who is on week 2 of his new "come home early plan"....came home very late (preparing for his SATURDAY meeting)....didn't bring home chinese takeout...so , yep I popped in microwave stuffed clams....and liked them....love the box.  Oh, how far I have fallen from being "healthy girl"...this truly is a slippery slope.

Ok, enough...gotta go to the GYMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm...the sun's out (and will be til 7 tonite).......


I'm a hermit and it's ok...I think

Been playing with my pups and cats, watering my now 5 foot high garden plants, pushing paperwork, making road trips to Tally, scouting for furniture for the new apt., attending social functions and maintaining a home...inside and out....but all I really want to do is veg......read "The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet"...and would really like to read another book by this Author...but he hasn't written one......

Alrighty....I've decided I am a hermit in my old age....I stay at home...and I like it...I go out and then I think I need to stay home and recover....what? Really? Yep.

I am afraid I will be one of those women who wear a "house dress"...all day...and not care...like back at the "unit"...everyone there wore their "house dresses" to the mail box and to water their plants. While I don't wear a dress...I do love my jammies....just today...Marc came home for lunch at noon...he gave me my usual 10 min heads up so I quickly changed out of the jammies INTO real clothes...when he left....I changed back....working out was not on the agenda today ...because the last 2 days were "big" days...so today I had to rest. Good grief...I read that and think to myself...is this really you? The bad news? I answer, "yes". It is today.
Tonite...I have the man of my dreams asking me, "what do you want to do?" Ok, I can go anywhere...do anything...I know he's thinking..."dinner and a movie"...I'm thinking..."jammies on the couch and a "video on demand" and "chinese takeout"...poor guy...just tries to please me. But...tomorrow and Sunday are going to be "big days" again...and I need to rest. hahahah I laugh as I type that..but it's true. Tomorrow we are going out with a group to celebrate our Pastor and his wife's wedding ann (I think 30 years) and her 50th b-day...at Bonefish...this will be fun.

Sunday nite our Community Group is meeting...16 people at a friends house...this will be fun too...but these are "big days"...you know...requiring hair, makeup, jewelry and clothes...not a house dress or jammies....so tonite, I have to rest.
But then...I look back at what all I have been doing and I guess I really am like the ...what's that "bunny" called...the one with the battery...and it's pink? I dunno...but in the last week I've made 2 round trips to Tally...babysat Grandcats (while Adah was in SC at the lake)

Kippy and Pippa...Pippa had to have antibiotics 2x/day, plus ointment on her "spay spot" that reopened...drops in her ears to get rid of her "ear mites" compliments of the shelter where she "lived"....We were a 4 indoor pet family for a week....all wanting attention...all wantaing to be in the bed...
We went to not 1 but 2 July 4th celebrations...Marc still has the pics on his phone...I've been asking for 4 days to have them...we will see when I get them. One of the celebrations had 400 guests...they had converted a two car garage into a dessert "room"...complete with about 25 cakes, various other desserts, including a chocolate fountain...with any and everything you could want to "dip" into chocolate...that gives you an idea of the rest of the party goodies..you know...3 different food buffets, 2 open bars, dance floor with DJ and oh, don't forget the 30 minutes of fireworks...yeah...that was fun....the next night we had fireworks here in the nay-ba-hood.....that was fun too...set your chair up on the grassy nole, sip a cup of wine and watch the boom fest....more fun too!
My riding mower has a flat...no prob I thought...I'll just use the push mower...took me 3 hours....could've been the broken elbow not pushing like it should or the fact that an acre really does
take 3 hours to cover....pushing.....
FINALLY got allllllllllllllll Whitney's paperwork filled our for "Rush Rec Letters" incl pictures, resume etc., began putting together her RUSH week clothes, etc., etc., etc....trying to spend time with this 18 year old who knows she's off to college in a few weeks is like grasping at air.... :( but we keep trying....
We welcomed "Mason Alexander Fuchs" into the Fuchs Family fold this week. My nephew has had a baby...well, his wife did....they found out they were expecting just one day after his Mother passed last year..this year Mason was born just 4 days after what would've been his parents 29th wedding anniversary and 1 day before his Sister's b-day...he's 2 weeks early... Thank you Jesus for perfect timing.
Yesterday I watched in fun amazement the taping of ABC's Good News Show....I basically watched what Adah does at work...it was so much fun...before the show they are all scurrying around and typing on the computer what is going to be said on the show....with all the clips up and ready...all they need are words...Adah's job.
Then, when we are actually in the room and the show is going on it is fun to watch the Anchor read her lines (that Adrianne wrote) and then go to a commercial and she looks straight at Adah and says, "oooh, that was a good one"... very satisfying as a Mother to see and hear. I want to watch the Good News Show taping every day. I've made it my home page...like I am some how associated with it....dumb!
Well, the Mistah comes home in an hour..these are his new Friday hours...he leaves on time...comes home for lunch then comes home an hour early...love it....never mind that he has an all day meeting tomorrow...but for now...he will be home....less tired.
That's all for now...this hermit has to put clothes back on...The Mistah would NEVER understand that whole scenario......
I just want to be here...on this....resting..hahahahha!

...and #2 GRADUATES!

I just realized...this has been saved in a "drafts" folder and was never "published"...