oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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the kids

Marc & Ollie slipping in a Sunday afternoon nap by the pool...

Ollie & Lucy...forever at my side, on my lap or at my feet... such a very small dog....

on the chair right next to me OR ON my chair

on my lap, by my side

at my feet

on the table beside me

on my lap...and then staring right at me...

Ok....now that School is back in session....that Whitney is a Sr....and dual enrolled at the college...it's me and Ollie and Lucy, "goose" at home...on our own....I have learned that they never leave my side...it was ok when there was only 1...but now they compete for my attention and both try to be the closest one to me...always...when I downloaded the pics..I realized I take alot of pictures of them....each time prompted to take the pic bc they facinate me....I need a life...the problem is ...I have one...and I have alot on the "to do" list right now...it's 3 days long with deadlines approaching...but I'm not being very good about getting those things done..for instance...why am I here right now? ...argh...oh, well...I have until tonite....Marc & Whit don't grace me with their presence to well after 7 or 8.....so...here's my pics of the "kids" as I call them...Ollie, and Lucy...or "goose" as we affectionately call her now...not sure why....


Todays pics: Ollie in in various and sundry "hidden" sleep places...not sure why he does this now...and Lucy's new di-pey....bc she has decided that she will just pp inside now....argh!

hello Ollie...we can still see you...

Lucy's new dipey

the "kids" in the driveway...no hurry to go back inside..they think it's too cold....and to think Ollie was a Mountain boy....now he's "Florida-Man"

goose is never coming back in...she likes the heat outside

Alrighty...sometimes you just have "those" kind of days...today is one...it's called "non-productive day"...
It's 12:30...am still in jammies and the only thing I have done today is watch my hubby and my two kids go off to work, school and Tallahassee.....and...taken my dogs out to pp....that's it..oh yeah...and eat...bad....I had a peach, a ham-salad sandwich and of course, some banana pudding...yummy. I WOULD be productive if my job was a magazine editor or writer...I like the computer...just not "real" work...

What I am SUPPOSED to do is this: workout...laundry...tailor...returns......pick up Whitney's School "planner"...plan/cook dinner....and make keys and mail becauuuuuuuuuusssssssssssseeeee...UPS LOST the keys and garage door openers I mailed to the Realtor 3 weeks ago..oops, no, they didn't LOSE them....they delivered an empty box..with the word....DAMAGED on the outside....at what point was I going to learn of this?? The Realtor is calling, wondering where the keys and openers are....uh, I dunno...soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's back to Wal-mart to make more keys...it's get on the internet and order more garage door openers...and, of course,.....another "grass is never greener but brown everywhere" story...our wonderful new tenants, who have not yet moved in because there is still cleaning (really?) taking place...oh, and they are waiting for the blinds to be installed (we never needed blinds in the living room...?????)...whatever.....NOW they believe we need to have a tree taken down bc...get this...they are afraid it's going to fall on the walkers on the bike trail....really? Great....liberal save the earth wackos are now living in my home...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... I just want some green grassssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!
Oh...and I want my kids to just stay home...no School, no college, no friends...just play/shop/eat with me...come on is that too much to ask?.... :)

That's all....I think I'm a little bit cranky...shooweee!...beware!

the way things grow in FL

I want to know if anywhere in the Bible it is listed that mandarine orange trees were used as the crown of thorns..these babies are sharp and they TORE my shirt...

I know I do not live in the Amazon Rain Forest...but my back yard looks like I might...I think only a few weeks have passed since these before and after photos were taken...I kinda like it...except for the fact that it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo hot outside my poor little dogs cannot go for walks...why? Because their Master is tooooooooooooo hot! period!

for laughing or just smiling

stole these from other places...they made me laugh or just smile....


Alrighty.....God created the heavens and the earth...and everything in and on and around it....he also created personalities then put these personalites into families....they are different.

Whitney has mono...we've known for only a week...she's had the symptoms for 2...it was when we realized she'd had a low-grade fever for over a week...that something just might be wrong...when she woke up with a throat the size of...hmmm, a football linebacker...I knew something was definitely wrong... I panicked....I made Marc take us to the ER (it was Sunday)...he was not happy...he was not happy AT ALL when the ER PA started ordering tests....he pushed back...she looked at him and asked, "Mr. Miller do you want to find out what is wrong with your daughter or not?" Clearly, PA trumping Administration....he answers, "Yes, but don't be running a bunch of nonsensical tests". She gets it...so does he.

She clearly had all the symptoms for "mono"...but only a blood test will tell for sure....once the blood is drawn...it takes an hour for the results....so we wait...all 3 of us in the cozy ER exam room. Marc decides to get a paper...Whit pops out the phone....I, well, I thought we should chat....this pic shows how well they were listening...I decided to re-read all the texts on my phone and to go thru and delete any pictures I no longer needed....

I know God is Sovereign...never makes mistakes and His timing is perfect...but I'm just curious...why do I live with 2 quiet introverts?...who are COMPLETELY content with just my presence...? I love their presence too....but sometimes I just need to talk.... just sayin.

That's all.

Panama City

Ok...went to Panama City beach for 4 days...forgot the camera (except the phone camera)...the people that I was with....are still there...until tomorrow...they have cameras....I must wait...we took lots of pics...it was great...4 women...2 Sisters, all cousins....no kids, no pets or husbands...so we played in the waves, tanned (a-lot) watched fireworks, drank coffee and bubba-kegs filled with pina coladas and ate out....everyday...(seafood, seafood, seafood) oh, and Sooze made, from scratch....key-lime pie

Much fun.....great sun...cool tan!

The End!

a good day

Above pics...Ollie takes a breather as we wait on Lucy to "finish up"...always like to see little tiny Lucy at the end of the sidewalk...so little...and Ollie decides it's way too easy to walk down the sidewalk...he thinks he will take the short cut THROUGH the shrubs.....silly boy!
Some days are just good...today is one of them....arrived a few minutes late to my regular, air-conditioned "pump" class at the Y...only to run into my friend, a Trainer...who was taking her "boot camp" class to the park...she asked if I'd join them...I'm intimidated...but I go...first, we WALK to the park...maybe 1/2 mile...then boot camp starts...there are only 7 of us...2 are men, 1 is a SWAT guy, the other, a long distance runner...the women...ferocious....here we go...keep in mind...it's Florida...in August...got the idea in your head? Ok....the next hour is comprised of lots of running, sprinting, push-ups, situps, tri-cep dips, pull ups, lunges and lots more running....when I was finished I looked like I'd been sprayed with a water hose...glad I took the extra time (the reason I was late) to fix my hair and make-up...but you know what...I lived....and it felt great...once we were finished...
Next, took the dogs for a walk...Lucy petered out 1/2 way back so I had to carry her...but they were happy, Goose had to have a bath when we got back... then, worked some more in the yard....always do the dirty stuff when you are sweaty....then lounged on the patio furniture (so did my buddies Ollie & Lu) and talked on the phone...oh, yeah...great day. Now it's time to fix dinner....we're going to watch our church softball team later...oh, and can't forget the 2 main reasons why today is great...#1 Got a signed lease on the NC house woot woot and #2 received an invitation to the beach for next week with my Sister and cousins...no men...woot woot woot!!!