oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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much needed sunshine

This is me..today....Feb 23...note the bare shoulders...thank you God for Florida....I know I know....it's supposed to get cold AGAIN on Saturday...but until then...."top down".....

stupid road musings

Been on the road alot lately....we are full swing into "Club Volleyball Season"...translated....spending everyother weekend inside a gym watching vb....usually in another town...so far...Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville....next trip..hmmm? I don't even know.
But along the way I amuse myself with what's going on outside the car...this 1947 Mercury was in the parking lot of "Sunny's Bar-b-q...which also had the "pull hard, door sticks" sign TAPED to the front door....
Blue "Lady Liberty" was standing at an intersection waving to all the cars...as the lights changed, she/he would change the direction he/she was pointed and begin waving at "new" cars.
The birds in the top of the trees are in my neighborhood...I took their picture while on a walk...they were SCREECHING at the top of their lungs....
The "trolley car" in my rearview mirror was actually someone's home...they had curtains and other various and sundry "home" items that I was able to see as I peered into the windows as it passed me...or, as I passed them...they were going 30 mph...
I labeled the little cat in the window "Puttin On The Dog's" welcome wagon...she sits in the window of the kennel where my baby boy "Ollie" spends vb weekends....
Finally, the hay stacks out in the field is across from a giant shopping center here in Ocala...proof to Washington that indeed, we are NOT overpopulating the country...we have plenty of space here...in the Sunshine State where EVERYONE comes to retire....just sayin....

sunny day

Oh Happy Day.....Spring is in the air...and in Florida...usually...you don't have to be afraid to say that out loud.

had my shorts on today...yep...sun was shining....not many clouds in the sky....so I took a "sunshine pic" and sent it to my friends.....

Also, had to put out the new "Spring" Flag....I choose this day to believe Spring has Sprung...oh oh....quoting my Mother's cliche's again...wow, even without thought now.....scarey!

cain't hep it

This is my gift to Washington....it is free and I want them to have it!

I love my hard working hubby...and I'd like to keep the cash he brings home....please, Libs, earn your own !

I like smart-alecs

I'm not sure how to spell "smart-alec"...but you know what I'm trying to say....maybe they are just being clever... I like people who put foot action to the majority's thoughts....these billboards put a smile on my face...

..uh, in a word...Y-E-S!!!!!

various and sundry thoughts

"Larryrobertwhipmybutt"....it's what we ALWAYS called him....it's because his last name is Wittman....it's what childhood sounds like...we thought it was funny...it stuck...just like "Dingy Do" and "Soozy-nay", oh and "ChrissyBill"...mmmm!

These pics are of LRWMB...found them on his FB...they are breathtaking...the different seasons of a KS farm..ie HIS KS farm! Wowza!!

And just in case anyone from Washington DC is checking in...note to self....WE ARE NOT RUNNING OUT OF SPACE...just sayin...

"Lar"...his other name or "Lahreey" which his Mother calls him....is an outstanding musician...after reading some of his writings...I believe he is a writer too...and I quote:

"the world here today is a frozen wonder as ice-fog has descended on the countryside and crystallized everything in its path. This frozen spectacle is a witness to the awesomeness of our God." touche' Lar...Amen!

endoscopy story

Oh man...I forgot to tell my endoscopy story...it's not amazing...but it is wierd... When I tell people I am having an "endoscopy" they ALL cringe....why? Then some of them say, "Oh are they going to give you those meds that make you forget?" WHAT? What do I need to forget? I asked the GP...are you awake?...he says, "Na, you're lightly sedated"....but I'm thinking maybe you are awake and it's awful (when they put the tube down your throat) but then they give you "amnesia" meds and you forget that you were miserable.....I was really nervous.

So as soon as I get in to see the "prep nurse" ...I ask her..."Will I be sound asleep?"...she says, "yeh, you won't remember anything!"...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh there they go again...what does THAT mean?

I just decided at that point I would not be nervous...however awful it is...I won't remember.

I get to wear my little backless gown BUT did get to continue to wear my "loose fitting" bottoms and even my "tennis's".....

My friendly nurse attempts to put in my IV...in the back of my hand....oooops, she misses.....OWWWW!!! Ooops, she has to try again...in the crook of my elbow...feels much better...she does not miss.....then I go for a ride on my rolling bed....into the "procedure room"...on the wall is hanging a big "Gator" flag....I gag a little...

then, I meet my CRNA....he pushes the white meds and I pass out...didn't even begin to get sleepy...just BLAMO...out...next thing I know I'm back in the recovery room AND I didn't remember this until yesterday (the procedure was done almost a week ago)...I was dressed! Who did THAT?

so...after all is said and done... endoscopies are not bad...they are...hmmmm?, I don't remember! :)

crazy day

Today is "crazy FL people day"! I was only out in the cold cruel world for 1 1/2 hours.....I went to the gym...no prob...I went to the dry cleaners...no problem....THEN, on my way to CVS...I ran across this guy....yep, wearing that hat...seriously?...in public?... in Florida?
Next stop...CVS..you know...chain C-store plus pharmacy? Well, "Lavonna" waited on me and she had.....no teeth. None! Without teeth your voice sounds funny. I think as a Pharmacy Tech...she should buy teeth....that's all.

Oh Happy Day....but colds make your face ugly

I'm just thinking out loud...how long do colds last? Is a solid week too long? Argh....

I just want to announce publicly that a change has occured. Yep, I am now an official Floridian..on Saturday we celebrated our anniversary since "The Mistah" is out of town today...our REAL anniversary....I had a great outfit all picked out....but didn't check the weather...so for our lunch at "Stellas" and our coffee at "Starbucks" and our stroll downtown...I was too cold....argh....but we pressed on...headed to "Spa Royale" in Gainesville...for 80 minutes massages..ahhhhhhhh...then we headed home...I cried, "uncle" and asked for more clothes.....while just "popping in" decided to take my favorite pup for a walk (of course) and, being chilled to the bone by this time,

I changed into this...to go with the puffy, pale face of a head-cold.....long underwear shirt, long sleeved T-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants and down-filled vest...and headed out into the dead of winter...it was 58, thought I might just freeze to death before I finished the 30 minutes stroll....could be the darn cold I've had F-O-R-E-V-E-R...or....I am truly one of those Floridians that really does wear gloves when it's 60.

Whatever it is "IT" made me choose to "order in "Italian", opt for a blockbuster movie and a great "Chianti" as my romantic day drew to a close.....I am very happy...the Mr. came thru with wrapped surprises and, of course, the printed word...for which he is most famous!!

Happy Anniversary 2010!!

and speaking of chocolate

ok I just saw this advertised on "Baker's And Cooks" website...a little "foody" store on the Square here in Ocala....this is an "all centers or all edges" brownie martini complete with caramel and cool whip.....did I say I can't eat chocolate without a "non-gall-stone-but-something-else-attack"? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

my new friends

These are my friends....Ollie, Fat Lu, Halls cough drops, the "tink-ker-ter" (as Whitney use to call it), plenty of tissues and the Nedi-pot.
After spending an ENTIRE weekend in a gym in Orlando watching Whitney play Club Volleyball....I have been sick for 4 days nursing a dumb head-cold. I don't know why they (who is they?) call it a "head-cold"...since I've never heard of any other type...but I have one.
I've been trying to keep up with my regular schedule but am not seeming to get better...so today I thought I would just stay home...it's 1 and I still have on jammies AND I have not yet brushed my teeth (don't be a hater...you've done it before too). :)
My dog and my cat seem to sense something about the routine is different too...so they don't wander too far from my side....if and when I get in the bed...so do they....and sit very close...why is that? Do they think I'll have food? Or, do they just love me?
I like Lu's ears in the pic...the lawn guy was weed-eating right outside the window and apparently the noise was irritating him....poor Lu.
The only good news? I postponed by "endoscopy" that was to take place tomorrow at 8AM....My honey works at the hospital...so I love Doctors...but sometimes...well, I don't always agree with them (I should have a med degree you know)...They discovered I have gall stones ...but the surgeon doesn't want to take them out... just yet....has something to do with the fact that my symptoms don't match that of someone with stones....
soooooooooooooo they (Gastroenterologist) wants to run a scope down my throat and look for "something else"....seriously? Ok....my Gen. Practitioner said it had something to do with me being "medical" and my hubby being "brass at the hospital"...what? Are they covering all the bases? Just take out the dumb stones...the only time they hurt is when I drink too much tea, or grapes, or chocolate or tomatoes or red wine....let's go...I've got food I want to EAT already!!!

SO....next Wednesday is now my "big day"....which I just shot myself in the foot....you are not allowed to eat or drink before the procedure....it's at 3 PM.....really?
When was the last time YOU waited until after 3 in the afternoon to have your first cup or coffee or eat a little breakfast? Argh...where are my friends?......