oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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crazy pup

I love my little dog...I miss him when we are on fabulous vacations...I miss him when I am with my favorite people...I even miss him while he is at the Groomer...who knew? When I go on about how much I am missing him...my darling daughters remind me that when we got him I said I hated him. He would run away every time we let him out and I would just say, "I don't care...let him go." That hurts my heart now...People told me I would learn to love him...I knew they were crazy!

He turns 3 on Sunday, the day before I turn, well, older.....now I know why he always ran away. He runs away now too...WHEN I DON'T WALK HIM!!! As a new dog owner 3 years ago I thought you took your dog out to go to the bathroom and walks were something novel..something you did when you had spare time to go out on a stroll...which was, uh, never!!! So he did what he does now...he says, "if you won't walk me...I will walk me...and I know you are mad at me so I won't come back right away...actually I won't come back until you catch me...and we both know how that goes"....crazy pup!

Today, we were out on a walk...which now we do twice a day... 1 1/2 miles each time...he decided to do his "dirty business" ON someone's tire...how wierd is that....He, like the infamous "Marley" of Marley and Me always searches searches, doing what we call the "search crouch crawl" looking for just the right spot to p--p...but not today...no today he decided to put his bottom right up against the neighbor's tire and squooosh..out it came....I laughed until I had a tear...then I had to get it off with the stupid plastic baggy....Florida rules...I could go to jail for not "curbing my dog"....blegth! Oh well....:)
And now...I'm one of those crazy people who writes about my dog and happily posts pictures of him....cause I just love him! Happy 3rd Birthday Ollie!

a lighter note...Miller updates

this maybe might maybe be my new pool on 4 acres with a lake and a gazebo...maybe might
and this would be my new maybe might maybe 2nd home....

Marc & John grill 270 burgers and 150 hotdogs and feed 400 at Southwind....

Adah and her "Big" Kylie at FSU football game

Bayshore Tournament (in pic Whitney and Hannah jump to block the vb)

my 2 baby boys Lu & Ollie (well one is 10 and the other 3)

Bayshore Tournament Saints bring home trophy for 3rd place:

My favorte man...and his stinky stogey

Miller's have been busy ...Adah is conquering FSU and loving it...new girlfriends, new guyfriends, visits to old friends.......Whitney is conquering Volleyball at St. John and loving it...games games friends tournaments friends and more games.......My picnic was a smashing great hit all thanks to the volunteers at Southwind and freinds at Centerpoint who helped me pull it all off (thanks be to God who never calls you without enabling you...) and now it's time to start planning "Festival of Holidays"...a takeoff from our old church in Ashevegas.... Finally... Marc is still loving his job at the hospital..meetings meetings gator hunting (got a gator) meetings conferences meetings.....Ollie and Lu? Well, they are still the greatest pets ever!!

We are contemplating thinking about thinking about contemplating renting a house here to own....it's a bit scarey trying to own 2 houses during these troubled eco times...but we believe we should investigate this lead...more later....

for now...enjoy Miller pics:

jumbled thoughts

I've been a little perturbed of late....haven't liked what's come my way...

But, God is good and His timing is perfect. My new Beth Moore Bible Study began 2 weeks ago with my same group as last year plus some newbies on the scene. We are studying the Psalms of Ascent...(Ps. 120-134)...and the last few homework assignments have brought enlightenment.

I was encouraged with the reminder that my God (Master Creator of Everything) is familiar with my circumstances and He writes "what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.. (Eccl.1:9)...and He reminds me that there are those who "hate peace". I call them "Lovers of conflict."

"In my distress I cried to the LORD, and he answered me...I have lived too long with those who hate peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war." (Ps. 120:1,6-7)

then there is today's lesson:

"Show us favor LORD, show us favor, for we had more than enough contempt. We've had more than enough scorn from the arrogant and contempt from the proud." (Ps. 123)

Do I think it is a coincidence that these are my homework verses??....verses that we are to "unpack" as my Pastor says....and ponder???....no I don't. I think they were put there 1000's of years ago for me to unpack today..."for such a time as this".....to let me know He knows who and what I am dealing with and that I am to "cry to him in my distress" and He will "answer me"....

So I will...and I can know"...the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame" (Romans 9:33b)

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers...." (Ps. 1:1)