oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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before and after

before and after....this took hours...but it looks sooooooooo goooooooooood now...yay...check that off the list!

working girl

I grew up in an extrememly frugal family...we saved "energy" at every possible moment.....we ALWAYS turned lights off, closed the 'frig door quickly, and we never ever let the water run aimlessly..so, when we moved into this house and I saw that the Master Bathroom shower had TWO shower heads....I knew that I would never, ever turn both of them on simultaneously....just too wasteful
...I shudder at the very thought, hahaha...BUT today....things changed....an hour at the gym, an hour planting shrubs and flowers, 30 minutes of raking and an hour of mowing....these were my feet...they were INSIDE shoes....you get to imagine what the exposed surfaces of my body looked like....it was then I decided I would not be a laborer for a living (I had considered it for about a day...since I really love digging in dirt) and I needed a shower badly...upon entering that big shower...it happened...I threw alllllllllllll caution to the wind and became just, well, wild at heart.... I did the unthinkable...yep...turned on both shower heads, aimed them right at me...and I just stood there..........for a really long time...felt magnificent....my days of conserving water are O-V-E-R.....I'm a 2 shower head kinda gal!!

Now, I love living in America...I love that everything we eat and drink is safe and we don't have to check anything...but sometimes I get a little irritated....like today....After that many hours in the Florida sun...I am thirsty thirsty..but can I pop a top and just "swig" away....NOPE....First I must pull the plastic top wrapper off...then can I swig? Nope, again...I must now unscrew the orange top, then PULL off the gray seal...and then....I can take a swig...by then, I could've been dead from heat exhaustion...but I'm happy to report I'm alive.

that's all


Women of America take note...we SHAVE our underarms here...ALLLLL of us...so if you don't... PLEASE DON'T WEAR TANK TOPS...and NEVER EVER EVER EVER lift your ARM in PUBLIC....cause I will see it and throw up in my mouth a little.......so incredibly gross!!!!

This just happened as I am happily checking out at Lowe's with all my new flowers I am going home to plant...one of my favorite things to do.....ruined by the ugly, awful sight....I feel a little bit dirty!

That's all.


"ooooh we're moving on up.....Country Club dogs!!!
Ollie learns to "phwim"...and then learns he doesn't like "phwimming"...so when it is mentioned....he bolts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

says it all...Ellie Mae

Whitney gets a new mattress...Adrianne has a new ride....hahahahhahhahahaha


"It never rains in California...but girl, don't they warn ya...it pooooourrs, man it pours....."

start to finish Marc's (and Ira's)engineering job, designed by Tye B in order to prevent the runoff of the soil into the backyard for yet the 5th time....now all it needs is plants...lots and lots of them...can't wait to pick them out and THEN plant them!! Woot Woot!!

I love Mr. Miller...and all that that entails...

flashlighted Cindy

pooped out...finally.. faithful friend
allllllll the tools

.....this is an underwater shot....

New house...new tasks on the "to do" list...The Mistah...works faithfully everyday...all day...and this gets hit with my list when he comes in the door...tonite...I decide to be very kind (not an easy task) and politely ask, "can you just install the new pool lite?....then we can have a quiet evening"..to which he replies...."of course" (this surprises me..you know the whole "it has to be their idea before they comply routine?)...so off we go

little did I know it would take 2 hours...and...it didn't work.....the details are boring..but predictable...kinda....

first we bought generic "pool light"...it's what the box said...we didn't know there were varieties....so....of course that does NOT deter us...The Mistah simply takes a "can light" from the kitchen ceiling and brings it to the pool deck..."here's one"....always thinking......installs it...this takes MANY MANY MANY steps...because after all, you are installing a LIGHT that will live UNDER WATER........I'm convinced they make it extremely difficult to dissassemble the light encasement so only intelligent people can accomplish this task..idiots (of which I prob. qualify) would simple electricute themselves.

The exchange of the bulb took about 15 minutes...the installation of the light fixture back into the side of the pool...took 1 hour & 45 minutes...Mr. Tenacity...that is what I will refer to him as from here on out...even tho' I ALREADY KNEW THIS!!!!

I believe the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result"................ but instead I will call it tenacity...that's the new word....say it, feel it, believe it Cindy!!!

Keep in mind the 1 hour + 15 was done UNDER WATER...yep, only a singer could hold his breath, 1 minute at a time for that long....the black pic is of me...I'm shining the flash light on my face so you can see me because it's DARK....my arm is falling asleep bc it is my job to shine the BIG flashlight into the water so he can see what he is doing...only AFTER we finished the job did I ask about the clear eyes...he replies, "oh I never opened my eyes under water...it was too fuzzy"...now I need to hit something...."excuse me?" and so WHY was I holding the flashlight (very heavy did I say??) for an HOUR?????????????????????????????????....."oh, I'm sorry, I should've told you honey"........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate it when he is so calm and polite.....

Now, Mr. Tenacity is very very very smart...but sometimes, ..well, not.....while he was trying trying trying to install the light back into the wall......it did not occur to either of us...maybe we should "test" the light to see if it works.....nope...waited until he finally moved the light box into the perfect position IN THE DARK and we got out of the pool and cleaned up ....to test it...1...2...3...ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaa........nothing....oh my goodness sakes.......let's just go inside!

P.S. I believe yesterday may have been the hottest day in the history of the world...9 PM...and I have sweat dripping everywhere (bc I was holding that stupid flashlight...gotta love him...and I do!)

that's all

Ode to Lu

I know I know....no one else loves your pet as you do...no one else enjoys the pics as you do...but this is "Lu's day"....his day to be honored because he was such a great cat and he embedded himself in my soul. I miss him...I think I hear and see him all the time....but I don't...sad.

So here's to the cat that loved boxes and bags more than beds...who explored every open door, who was made to wear clothes and hats...who loved sleeping under the Christmas tree every single year for the entire season, no matter how small the tree...who loved to purr loudly, sleep upside down, who learned the laws of the Miller house...never meowed loudly but politely....who was completely potty trained to the outdoors and never, ever messed up....who went on walks just like the dogs but didn't have to be watched...he was too smart....who left every nite and came back faithfully every morning and greeted us with loud purrs and lots of "rubbing", spent time in our bed "reconnecting" and getting his daily dose of pets and love....who bit your knee when you were on the toilet and failed to give him pets...who also squinted his eyes and ducked a little while he bit because he KNEW a tap on the head was coming....I love you Lu...I know you are in my heavenly mansion with Jonah, Micah & Hobbes, ....no shedding or scratching the leather allowed...but go ahead and mew loudly until "Dad" gets there... I never minded!

Here's to great pets of this world who have gone before me....I love you...you were faithful, see you on the other side....oh, and be sure all of you are there to greet me when I come...can't wait to see you!

A friend sent me these..."rainbow roses"....as a reminder, she says, that "Lu is just beyond the rainbow"....and I believe he is...in heaven!

a little bit sad, mad, frustrated and confused..but happy

ode to Lu...life will just not be the same without him...

(Love this friend soooooooooo much!!)

(before I get started I must say..while trying to write about how frustrated and upset I am...the computer CONTINUALLY locks itself and will NOT allow me to upload the pics I'd like to post here...knowing I am very visual and need a Power Point show ALWAYS to accompany writings....I just might have to bang it real hard on the top.....ahhh, I just want to post my picsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!)....ok....read on

Ok here's the poop...it's been a bad week
...but I am not complaining...I just need to vent....I have good friends and they support me....I get to spend eternity in heaven thanks to Jesus and his relentless love for me and sacrifice...but here on planet earth I'm just a little off....

We moved....I've been waiting for 2 solid years to move...into a new house in FL...while waiting for that monstronsity of a house to sell in A-ville...you know this...well, it happened...so happy...but 3 weeks after moving into the "lovely" neighborhood....my cat is killed by pesky, higher than him-on-the-food chain-small-animal-stalkers....this is our beloved family pet...of 12 years....this makes me sad...my new friend here sends me flowers....very kind...lots of sympathy wishes from dear friends all around...this makes me happy...but I AM going hunting and I AM going to kill something pesky..I have no training and no gun...but I'm still going hunting...Tye Buckley get here now!

Now that we live "way out"...I don't leave home often....it's too comfy and I like staying here...it's like an Oasis...I feel like I'm on vacation....then I learn my good friend is going BACK to the Trainer...ahhhhhhhhhh, she wants to "take it to the next level"....argh....this is what the trainer looks like on the left (leelancepersonaltrainer.com)...this is what she wants to look like too...by October...oh, the pressure...I was just getting use to adding brownies BACK into my diet, hahhaa...this makes me, hmmm guilty...it means I have to work out more...

Also...today (back to the main point) I DID leave the house and "went into town"...had to buy more water...seems NOBODY in this house drinks anything but BOTTLED WATER...hello....sooooooooooooooooooooo I run into Target...remember everything on the list....go outside in my soon-to-be-translucent white shorts and yellow top only to find out heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it's raining AGAIN..........ahhhhhh come on...stop already....soooooooooooooooo I jog with my cart to my car (AND count it as cardio even tho' it was less than 1 minute), get completely drenched....get all the way home only to discover that, yep....the bottled water is still in the cart in the Target parking lot IN TOWN.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this makes me want to hurt someone....because very soon SOMEONE in THIS house will say, "did you get water?" I will have to say, "yes AND no"....so shoot me!

My hair dresser of 2 years ruined my hair ....(she bleached it orange) and then blamed m... ahhhhh, went to another hair dresser (is that how you spell it?) and she fixed me...we're well over $300 at this point...but I like it...this makes me mad and happy.

Seems everyone is visiting Asheville now...it's a destination town...sure, right after I leave...this makes me happy and mad....my friend send me pics of all the fun places they visit....(ex. "Skybar" for watching breathtaking, Mtn sunsets) making me wish with all my heart I was there too....BUT (I tell myself)...it also makes the monster house more desirable....which leads me to my next big frustration....our house...MIGHT MAYBE KINDA be going to be rented....the Leasee (?) has signed the papers, put down earnest $$...BUT has a clause in his contract that ANYTIME before August 1 he can change his mind...we still get the earnest $$ but I WANT THE LEASE $$$$$...."I believe, Lord, help thou my unbelief"..this would be the biggest answer to prayer ever....I am afraid to hope...but secretly I still do..
That's all.