oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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a big day

Happy Birthday Sweet Soooze...this was a fun ride!!!
Life and times in FL are becoming more "normal"...went on a walk this AM...ran into 2 people from the "hood" and had to stop and chat...this is fun...these 2 people are women I really enjoy spending time with.

11:45 haircut...I love my hairdresser....she does Marc's hair as well...she knows my hair...and we have a good time together...plus...she makes my hair look marvy....thank you Nicole...p.s. the purple feather looks awesome!!

2:30  mtg with the Missions Committee...I love these people as well...we met at a local coffee house...delight...had a great visit...interviewing a prospective missionary we are considering supporting at our church...a delightful time...

5:45  Marc home...time for birthday dinner with friends....had a great time carpooling the 30 minutes to the "restaurant of choice" of a new friend...had a great time sipping margs and eating "fried food"...yummy!!

10:00 PM...back home...time for bed...tomorrow is a road trip to Tally day...haven't seen my girls since Aug 8....can't wait!

Dad & goop are already asleep....I should call it a nite!!

birthday girls minus the birthday boys at the opposite end of the table....we were wearing "smile for the camera" smiles bc really we were having a GREAT time...thank you Mr. Margarita!!
Good nite...this will be sweet sleep indeed!!!

and one more thing....

ok...my faithful friends were here tonite...so I snapped their pics... Mr. Toad...who ALWAYS sits in the corner...and Mr. frog with suction cup hands ....one of about 3...tonite he jumped onto my foot...of course I freaked and shook my foot violently....afterall..he's 3 cm long....no pics of Mr.Spider....he hasn't been around in awhile...I'm a little bit happy...why do humans despise spiders so?

Mr. frog w/suction and of course, Ollie from the inside...lookin out....

Mr. Toad...why does he ALWAYS stay in the corner....??
Next subject...

Went to physical therapy...oh so delightful....had 30 minutes with the massage therapist...followed by traction....feels sooooooooooooooooo good!!  Love stretching and massaging.....mmmmmmmmm!  LOVE Alpha Rehab and Dr. Q!!!

My therapist wanted to see the bruising....too embarassed...couldn't show him..but here's a pic"

just in case you don't know what HUGE muscle this is...it's my but-ta-ta-tah.....bruised to the nth degree...but feels soooooooooooooooo good!!!  Those muscles are relaxed...woot woot...even without wine or a cigar! :)

more friends

right corner of pic friend....
saw this guy on my walk yesterday...he was feeding in the water but decided to take to flight as I got closer.....hello!

another weekend

I am not married to a lazy man. I'm married to a driven, intelligent man... Once he makes a decision...and it's ALWAYS welllllllllllllllllll thought out.....it's FOREVER.

His latest decision is that he is The Yard Project Manager on Saturdays....every Saturday....no exception.  He has a "list" of projects and he's gonna get them done!!

Sundays after lunch we go to Lowe's and get whatever is on the List for next week...so we are ready to go ....because we NEVER go to Lowe's on Saturday...gotta get right after it...FIRST thing!!!

picture of the old and the new

upclose...this is what people BOUGHT for this great house...WHYYY did we wait so long to replace it??

the thinking stage...note the blue trash can...the new light rests on it before it is installed....

a proud moment....project manage finished with task..AND it works...looks bootah!!
This week?   New garage lights....had to replace the PLASTIC, awful ones that have ruined my eyes for 1 1/2 years....the new ones are amazing...yay!!

Job well done Handy Dan!!

Next...it was on to replacing that rusted out gas "piece" in the grill....he spent HOURS cleaning the grill by hand...only to realize after he was alllllll finished....the piece (from 2003) does not fit....durn...not a happy moment...(for either of us)...

but, on a lighter note..one of the items on our Lowe's "List" was a new belt rack...to replace the old "invention" (if you think it resembles a bent hanger...well, that's just your imagination)....He's so happy now....belts have a rack...woot woot!!!

Now it's time for some R & R....poolside...that means CIGAR time...poor guy is relegated to the far side of the pool right by the screen so the smoke doesn't suffocate me....this is his latest invention....
initial invention....clip on umbrella...but this did NOT do the job...back to the garage .... and then....

now we're talking REAL shade...


This man is relaxin now!!

Yes, that is a beach umbrella stuck in the plant stand....like I said....."intelligent thinking man"....gotta block those intense late September sun-rays...soooo H-O-T! 

By the way when asked what he likes about Florida?  Answer:   The Sunshine...of course!

oh, ok!

it takes a village

I'm a "constitutional conservative"...not to be confused with Religious Republican..... and definitely waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay right of any Dem.

So, I say, "it takes a village"...but not in the way Hillary says it.  I say it takes 2 people...a man AND a woman to run a house.

The Mistah gets up waaaaaaaaaaay too early for me...but the morning is our time for quality conversation...so he brings me coffee in bed...he is also in charge of making coffee....

He is also in charge of letting me know when we need more coffee because it is CRITICAL that we do NOT run out......ever....

This is how he lets me know when we need things...they get put on the counter (in lieu of a grocery list...don't ask why....)


this is when he tells me....I just believe I need a little bit more head's up than this....Thus...the "village" comment....A (right brain) man can make the coffee and let you know when it runs  out....A (left brain) woman would say, "hey, we're running outta coffee....better get some more soon or ....you know..."

argh....this means it's a "hair and makeup day"....grrr... I wanted it NOT to be....BUT....tomorrow morning.....a FULL Barney's coffee jar WILL be key.....


just saying....

gremlins in the house

We have DISH which isn't my favorite because their movie selection seems stale & old...the "other" satellite service is packed...but we "can't" change....we're locked in for 2 years.

HOWEVER,  Bravo sometimes has movies sooooo a few weeks ago I went through the aggravation of scrolling thru the movies for the week a couple of times and hit "record" on the ones I liked.  I was proud to see that next time I wanted to watch a movie...I have a library, albeit small, to choose from.  When looking at them I noticed the Mistah was not impressed with my 'list'.

So recently on a evening when The Mistah was working late I decided to look over my list...cozied up on the couch....ready to watch a chick flick without interruption...

BUT...to my surprise when I went to the "list"...the movies were all gone. 


Where did they go?

When Mistah Millah came home I asked what he thought happened to the list.  His answer?, "the electricity was off recently....must've erased your list."


How come all the other things I've recorded are still there?

Somebody this time is Mr. Electricity....yep, that's it...act of selective nature!

man's best frans

love my pups....I know why they are called "man's best friend"...they never leave your side and they ALWAYS love you.

These 2 crack me up.  I was sippin my coffee, still in my bed ...had to go to the kitchen to do something....from a sound sleep...they both jump up and follow....standing at attention they look as if they are asking, "where are we going? and, oh by the way, "we're ready".........

5:00 ...time for whine

I CAN'T STAND the chore of unloading the dishwasher.  Not really sure why...just do NOT enjoy it one bit.

Yesterday the cleaning lady came...my job is to make her job easier...I clean up...she cleans.

I didn't have time to unload the dishwasher SO I had to apologize for the dishes in the sink...can't load dirty into clean....I had to explain this to her over the phone...she called because her key wasn't working.  I was out.  Seems her key does work ...when she turns it over....

So....after feeling bad that I did that to her...(a good rural Southern Indiana girl NEVER leaves a mess for someone else) ...I STILL waited yet another day to unload it...today...got 2/3 of the way thru...and realized the dishes were dirty...


...discovered the remnant soap sludge on the door once I pushed the bottom drawer in...

which means "someone"...(not me this time)...opened the D/W mid-cycle and NOT noticing EITHER the boiling steam rolling out OR the running water...loaded a dish and promptly closed it back up....never restarting the cycle....

Having A.D.D....I'm not sure I will ever understand the compartmentalized brain...so please excuse me...

I have to go reload the unloaded D/W...again....a job I loathe...to the moon and back...uh, 43 times!!



One of the things I enjoy about FLorida are all the "creatures" that live...everywhere.

This little guy was just hanging out on the window-sill at the CVS pharmacy.

Oh, Hello!

Tiny little toads, 1 large toad, 1 frog with suction cup feet and a spider all live on the front patio...but only at night...but they are there EVERY nite.  I want to kill Mr. Spider because he is the size of a quarter....but I don't.....as long as he doesn't move...he gets to stay....take 1 step towards me when I'm taking Ollie & Goop out...and squish city it will be.

Pharmacy Friend
Just sayin...


I like to use the gas grill outside.  Lately I've had to be more strategic in where I place things on the grill because we have "flames" shooting upwards towards the meat...I thought this was because the charcoals were wearing out and needed to be replaced.  I've heard the Mistah say something about needing to "fix that"...as he strolls by and sees the flames licking whatever is in their reach. 

Seems it isn't the charcoals...it's the "tube" with the holes in it where the gas comes out....the holes have eroded and are too big now...LOTSA gas escapes (could explain the need to refill the tank ALL the time...but I digress)..."Somebody" must've just been using the grill too often....

I brought up the fact that we really should replace whatever was broken...the flames are pretty intense....The Mistah said, "yeah, I've got that part in the garage....I need to fix that".  He retrieved the "part"  from the garage in this Fed Ex box....pulled it out....still had the original receipt from when he ordered it....



Soooooo, Mr. Fed-Ed box has lived in Biltmore Park, was moved to the Ramble and then loaded up on yet another moving truck and road all the way to sunny FL....only to be put neatly away in garage number....3!

Wonder if it will make it to the grill?

To:  Marc Miller, Summer, 2003
  Hope so...."somebody" wants to grill again soon!


Have had a prescription for eye glasses since 1984...have had numerous pairs of glasses AND contacts...still don't wear either regularly...however..it HAS become impossible to read without readers and now...well, can't see people from far away any longer either sooooooooooo...went to the eye dr. this AM....at 9:45 to be exact and had my eyes dilated...it is now 4:11 PM...and they are STILL dilated.

Along with dilation comes blurry eyesight and a hypersensitivity to bright lights.....I live in SUNNY Flo-RI-da...it's ALWAYS bright here...I need this to go away.

I have a headache.  Took my picture while at a stop-sign....I look like I have been smoking mushrooms...but I haven't...   BUT I WAS operating a car....look ooooooouuuuuuttt!!

Hey Cindy....look here and over here...at the same time.....
I have to pick up my new progressive, bifocal lenses in 5 days...argh....old.

a culprit

I remember reading the "funny paper" or "funnies" when I was a kid....they are called "comics" now....One of my favorites was "The Family Circus" or was it Circle?  not sure....a common "funny" they would run was when something had gone wrong at the family circus and "Mother" would ask, "who did

this?"  And everyone would say, "Nobody" or "Ida Know"....as if these two were real people...and they had to take the blame. 

Well, here at the Millah house..there are only 2 humans....and when something goes wrong and the Mistah is trying to figure out what happened he says, "well, "someone" must have    dot dot dot"

......I'm "someone".

This week "someone" has messed up the speed of the computer because "they" downloaded "skype" and "google-bronze".

Also, "someone" caused allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the mushrooms to sprout up in the yard becuase "they" must've mowed over them, sending the seedlings sprawling all over the yard....Now, just look at them...growing in a great big circle...how very awful.
Now, it may just be me...but I think mushrooms in the yard are harmless....I think mushrooms in general are harmless. They are not an eye-sore, they only live a few days...Also...there are some that are costly that people eat....and still others which MIGHT be costly because they are illegal and people smoke them (or is it that they eat them?  I can't remember???).

bad, awful, horrid mushrooms spewn EVERYWHEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
No, I do not think mushrooms should not be labeled as something very terrible.

I also think millions of people use skype every day....surely a simple download did not really slow the computer down....

Oh, how I mess up the ebb and flow of the perfect house.......

weekend warrior

Weekend Warrior is baaaack!!!  Actually I think the Mistah has redeemed himself.  Bark Mulch now has replaced the dead area....deciding...the shrubs are  prob not coming back...and it actually looks better.....

I decided to...just....watch....you can't influence a weekend warrior....

so Ollie, Lucy & I observed...but... we were allowed to "sweep" up afterwards....

weekend warrior BUSY weed whackin...

very quiet and still observers...never,ever allowed to interfere....only able to watch

sweet baby
Happy 4th  Birthday little Goop...you are sooooooooo loved!


morning after.....

Psalm 121:1-2  "I lift my eyes unto the hills -- where does my help come from?  It comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Psalm 29:11  "The Lord give strength to his people;  the LORD blesses his people with peace."

Isaiah 41:10  "So, do not fear, for I am with you;  do not be dismayed, for I am your God,  I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

2 Timothy 1:12  "Yet I am not ashamed because I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for this day."

My Primary Physician is a Believer, as well as my Neurosurgeon AND now my new buddy Mr. Neuro-radiologist.....all have stellar reputations as Physicians....all were recomended to me...and THEN I discovered they were Believers.  I am in good Hands....and today is a good day.  Where there was stabbing pain....now there is a dull throb.  I was told over the next few days the pain may worsen and then get better and better...I am already feeling better....amazing...after 10 long months I can see the end....hopefully....my life restored.....but only if I maintain the new lifestyle.  I have also been warned the effects may not be lasting...that I may have to return... I believe I WILL choose a new lifestyle...

Gone are the workout days of old....results will have to come in a new form of excercise & eating habits....a kinder, gentler form...along with embracing this 50 year old body....the baton has been handed off.....the 2 beauties that bear my last name....they can carry it the rest of the way.  I am going to enjoy being a healthy and fit 50 year old....those clothes that don't fit...well, I'll just have to buy a bigger size!

Today I have been graced with pain relief....I will not test it again.  I have learned......I have learned!!

and I know where my Help came from!

That's all.  :)

a big day

Today was "lumbar epidural injection" day with cortisone....I've been counting the days waiting...and I won't go into details...because it IS a 6 inch needle...not sure why because if it went in 6 inches it would be poking out my belly button...and it didn't...but it felt like it might...and it really hurt! 

I will go on about just a few wild things that happened.

  • First, my "Interventional Neuroradiologist"...came in looking um, like a 25 year old tan "surfer dude" (he's actually a 42 yr old Dad)...we picked him after numerous physician interviews and "opinions" from the medical community...I waited a week just to get into see him..after being told 99% of all the referrals go to him...he was delightful and talented....but he wore no white lab coat and took notes on his "palm pilot"...uh, his hand.  Said he would certainly not lose those notes....with those  notes he  marked my back up designating where the needles would go in....really? In the end, he was an amazing physician, perfectly professional, and an expert in his delivery of pain relief!

  • After getting ready in the x-ray room he went out of the room, came back in and said I was being upgraded to the MRI room...seems there is better lighting in there....oh really?  Ok, perhaps it was the Mistah's presence in the room...not sure...but I'll take it.

  • So...onto the injections....it's kinda like the dentist....so many injections to numb the area you are thinking to youself, "why bother...I've just had 8 injections....BUT, I digress....the ultimate sensation when the cortisone starts flooding into your body....the sound of a freight train begins SCREAMING in your ears....your tongue goes numb and you IMMEDIATELY feel as if you just choked down 3 um, straight bourben shots...I'm not exactly sure if that's what it feels like but I'm guessing bourben would have the biggest effect.

  • in the fog I do remember him apologizing (with the repeated movement of the MRI guided needle) saying "my anatomy is such that he is having difficulting navigating around my bone and  he needs to numb it"  what? can you do that?  I asked what he was talking about?  His response?  "Oh, God makes us all different"  What does that mean?  Was he calling me fat?  not sure.... :)

  • I embarassed myself because I started speaking really loudly bc of the train in my ears...AND bc my tongue was numb and my brain was fuzzy...all my loud talking was slurred and had lots of pauses ...keep in mind....no one else is the room hears the train or is loopy....so I am the entertainment and I can't stop.

  • Then we go back to recovery.  I need to go to the bathroom...but my legs don't work....the nurse AIN"T going w/me I decide so I wait...and almost wet the bed...pride does that to you.

  • After about 10 minutes, surfer dude comes in to check on my progress....wearing a white lab coat....for me.....the nurse just laughed after he left...said in all her years she's NEVER seen him wear one...thought it was for the Mistah.....we just laughed.  It did make me feel better to see something with the Hospital's logo and his name, followed by an MD on it.

.....have spent the day on the couch bc my legs AND head still feel loopy AND my body feels like I'm coming off a 3 day flu virus....weak...but...pain level is at a 2....woohoo....first time in 10 months.

that's all!

becoming a local

It's happening...I'm becoming a Floridian.  I am having new and unusual thoughts.  It's mid-September, in the 90's everyday still...and I find myself decorating my house for Fall...and of course, there are NO signs of Fall here...FL does NOT have Fall...sometime in mid Feb all the leaves fall off in one weekend and Spring comes the next weekend and we get all new lime green leaves.

I'm also getting out of bed in the morning and throwing open the bedroom doors in hopes to feel  cool, brisk, mountain air....what?  I hate cool, brisk, mountain air....now I'm disappointed when the weather is somewhat cooler...but still muggy...and mid-day you will get sun burnt.  I really do want to feel the cool, brisk, mountain air.  (surrrrprise!)

#2  It was 82 degrees the other day...I thought to myself...."ooooh, cool day, I'll put the top down on my car....really?  82?  I think 82 is cool?

#3  This morning I put a jacket on when I woke up and tonite I had on "slipper sox"....I know it's in the 80's outside.

crazy stuff...just crazy....but Cyndi, you would be proud.  Oh...almost forgot...went to a "Premier jewelry party" last nite....wore my cowboy boots....another women there had hers on too....it's Fall in Fla....how do we know?  We look at the calendar date and just know.

oh...and these are my plants....the Mistah chopped them down on Saturday.....of course he did. 
they started out this size...

And he announced...."looks so great"

the kids

at breakfast...

during during morning coffee...

at snack time....

morning TV news time...
layin out "partners"...3 on ONE  chair...I'm not feeling the "lounge" here....I'm feeling CROWDED!
Love my "kids"....they love me more....whereEVER I am...they are too....no matter if it's HOTTER than ever...they MUST be close....keep in mind...in this particular pic we are ALL sweating...

observations, ponderings & musings...

love it!!

Well, He's almost finished....Mr. Scissor-hands has finished off his shrubbery perfection and has announced he is well please with the final product.  I want to cry...but he is so proud so I just say nothing....Here's the final before and after pics. 
Have you seen the T-shirt that reads "I have CDO"....that's OCD with the letters in the proper order"...touche'

FINAL "after"...The Mistah smiles and says, "My yard looks soooooooooo good"....hmmm?
Beautiful, full sidewalk lined mature shrubs...."before"...

Went on a walk this AM around the circle in my nay-bah-hood....and snapped a few photos...things I always see and think the same thing about ...but now I've captured them...hmmm, do I have OCD or CDO?.....

Can't really see the 2 little ducks in the background sunning and bathing at the water's edge...I'm sorry Texas...but it's been raining here for months...would like to ship it to you if I could....

You can't see it but this Paddock has the sprinklers going....really?  In a pasture?  I guess Horses fare better in the Co Club...

does anyone see ANY signs of regrowth here?

I know this picture is out of order...but today the BLOG does not want to cooperate and I cannot MOVE my pics...

"My Hill"...not a hill by NC standards...but it takes my breath away when walking or riding up it....??? It doesn't even look like a hill in this pic....

I have coffee every morning in my bed served to me by "The Mistah"...been doing this FOREVER....we are both served by this. I'm a sleepyhead in the AM's and He's a thinker....been awake for awhile and likes to "run things past me"...I'm not sure why he thinks is a good idea because he only waits long enough for my eyelids to flutter before he starts his very long, run on sentences of the latest and greatest ideas he has on ...whatever topic....BUT...I digress....AFTER he leaves I like to watch the news...he's gone by 7:30...but I hate commercials soooooooo, I turn on the TV then hit "pause"....do my morning "routine" then come back and catch up on the news totally commercial free.  Today I did this like I always do....went outside to water the plants etc., etc.,...was allllllllllll over the house.  Finished up and came back to settle in my bed for the rest of my coffee, my 2 pups and my commercial free news update....where's the remote?  Took me 30 minutes to find it after combing over every inch of the house and everywhere I had been.....except outside....which is where I found it....why on earth would I take the remote with me to water the OUTSIDE plants???  OCD?  CDO?  not sure...
TV selector...on end table OUTSIDE???????

The Mistah wants me to go to work...to rebuild the retirement account...don't get me started on Obama the US destroyer.......but today I had a great idea....you see I have entered the world of "pain management"...I thought that was for old people or out of shape people who lived on oreos all their lives...but now it pertains to me.  Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Pain Killers, Topical Ointments, Tens Machine Shocks, Traction, Muscle Relaxers, Exercise, have alllll failed to bring relief to this silly buldging disc and inflamed nerve root....we've (me and the Dr.s) have ruled out surgery for now and are opting for cortisone injections.  Yep, (I know I should get to the point but there is a lot to say here) everyone has a story to tell about these injections.   I will just list bullet points of what others have said:

  • You must have someone drive you home afterwards
  • They numb the area first where the injection is given
  • They give you a sedative before they give you the injection
  • Find and use ONLY a Physician that utilizes x-ray guided injections (so as not to "miss"...whaaaaat?)
  • they hurt like mad
Ok, I'm not feeling great about this but it is like an epidural when having a baby....at that point of pain everything is relative...I would give myself the injection if the needle was right here right now. period!!!

Soooooo all of that to say this....I can tell Mistah Millah that I do have a job.... I am a "pain Manager".....

that's all!