oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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cool then warm

NC tradition (a few years ago) you MUST run the perimeter of the house...barefoot!! Go Whitney!!!
It's mid-December....couple days ago it was 84...then down in the 50's, then yesterday mid 60's...had to actually wear sweatpants...with ...of course....flip flops....oh yeah!!

gifts and stuff

I love gifts....actually that's my love language....received this fab picture today...it makes me happy in so many ways...
#1 it's a gift
#2 it says EXACTLY how I feel
#3 it has shells on it (I love shells most)
#3 love the color (color of the beach)
#4 love the friend

skip skip doodah! :)

Christmas stuff

Adrianne and her honey...Tye...he's so good!...we just want to keep him...
Lu doesn't care that it's a pitiful, tiny tree...he's a cat with no worries...so we shouldn't either....

Girls bible study over for the year....we celebrated at, of course, B.D. Beans in Belleview...missing were Suzy and Mikki.....we had a fun brunch!!

Adrianne, the sorority girl has turned in her glitter and glam and is now just a happy camper with her guy and his dog!!! I like the new girl...always smiling and happy!

friends in the community

These long beaked birds are my "friends"...there are either dozens of these flocks...or..they are my friends that go where I go..... I see them almost daily....here they are in the neighborhood.... I see them on the soccer field at School...I see them down by the duck pond.....not sure what they are eating...but I always come alongside and say, "hi".....

ring a ling...it's Christmastime....

Whitney and Donavan under the bootiful tree!!
Christmas on the Square...CenterPoint church brought hot chocolate, cookies and the band complete with "Singers"....to DT Ocala....we had a grrrrreat time....here with our special pals...Gator Scott and Gator Valerie...

decorated the lobby at Church....probably should've taken this picture with the lobby lights on..but it just looked so good in the dark....maybe you had to be there....:)

here's some favorites....Hope & Valerie

more favorites....Marc, Mike (our Pastor) and Scott...the 3 Gator Killers...

CenterPoint Band...sanging Christmas Carols....and rockin it!!

Christmas on the Square was Sunday nite....Saturday afternoon was the "Reindeer Run 5k"...Cindy and I tied for 7th in our age group and shaved 2 minutes off my time for the Turkey Trot just last week...woohoo....Mr. Westall ran both these races as well...we thought we'd put him in the pic.

That's all for this week...

just sayin

Had the annual Dr.'s appointment today...said everything looked good....but is seeing some signs of "A.D.D."...attention deficit...really? Does he really think I can't stay focused or concentrate? Who does he think he is?...I'm hungry, here are the posts, what time is it?, hope you are having a good day, why isn't Whitney home yet? Aren't these different colors of fonts pretty? Am I supposed to pick up Whitney? Goin thru the "winter closet" and came across this adorable dress, obviously meant for one of the girls...but we forgot about it....hate it when that happens...still has the tags....argh! Poor Marc!! :)
uh, duh? Why can't the liberal wacko's get this one straight?

Reads: How's the hope and change working for ya?

Ready for the "reindeer 5K run" tomorrow...right before the Christmas Parade...Whitney is threatening my life if I dare wear the antlers...I think they are great....

Floridians plant their poinsettias in the ground...either I've spent too much time in the cold country or I'm predjudice but I think poinsettias go INSIDE the house.....


Lu had a vet visit today...he had to get his ears washed out...twice, a "fecal" and shots....he hid, until the vet came, in the sink...then under the sink after all his treatments...poor guy!!!

Ollie has a new haircut...he likes sleeping on top of the clean laundry before it's folded....argh!


This is me...it's December...top down, short sleeves...I love Florida!

This is my buddy, Cyndi's wedding ring...it's been lost for some time now...she "hid" it while her house was "showing"....her wonderful hubby just found it....in the drain.....probably not the safest place to hide it....

John Travolta is a member of our community...we allow him his privacy....but when HIS movie opened...we rolled out the red carpet at Hollywood Cinemas and made him sign autographs...Whitney's friend "Donavan" snapped this photo...they did not ask for an autograph...still wondering why....

I saw this man today...just out riding on his motorcycle that he has added 500 lbs of Christmas decorations to....prob thought it was a good idea....

This is Tye's first visit to Auburn...killed him to take this picture...but he likes the girl so much he'd do anything for her...including posing for this pic and looking happy!