oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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quiet wandering and wonderings....

Now that I live waaaaaaaaaaay out in the Country Club...it's actually only 8 miles out of town...ok, less, just 8 miles from the "unit"...it feels waaaaaaaay out...we now say...I'm going INTO town....like when I was a kid we went "uptown"....6 miles to the nearest city (population 1200).

So...going INTO town is not convenient...that's where the Y is, Target, Publix, restaurants...everything that use to be 1 mile away...wow, did I become a "towney"? ANYWAY.....with the inconvenience of going INTO town...thus comes the daily dillema of "to work out or not to work out"....and I hate having to wonder the answer...it used to be "Of course it's a workout day...it's what I DO!....so, yesterday was a "not to work out day"...but a friend called and asked if I'd walk with her at the nearby park (nearby to the Y)...I said, "yes"...I never pass an opportunity to be outside...even if it IS 94 degrees.

So we have a good walk....TODAY was a "yes to work out day" BUT it was also "register for classes at CF for Whitney day" too.....we had to sign our names in at 7:30 AM....we got there at 7:45 and was #67...we waited until 9:45 to be called arggggggghhhhhhhh! BUT...we did get the class she wanted.....she went off to her other class I was off to work out...but my "check engine light" was on and the car was running funny...this after it being in the shop ALLLLL day yesterday to the tun of $1100.00....so I make a quick pit stop at the garage....they fixed it...just a tube popped out of place...and I'm off to the Y...on my way I think..."I liked that walk so much I'll do it again...I'll go to the Y afterwards"

So, I get there and today it's a little bit scarey....I've watched too many COPS shows and real life in the ER...I think I'm going to be assaulted...but this is a wide open park with many, many people and activities...there is a water park, tennis, softball diamond, dog park, and picnic table and shelters as well as public restrooms....I'm feeling safer, a little...so off I go...walk walk walk...then I notice this is a very large park with lots of trails and grass..oh, look, the grass is being mowed right now...hmm, interesting green and white striped uniform the "mower" is wearing...ahhhhhhh, that's prison garb, that's a prisoner,...quick, where is the guard with the rifle? There ISN'T one...ok, maybe it's because these prisoners are so good they don't need one. ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, maybe they're so bad they killed him and I'm next..........nahhh, they would be escaping, not mowing...walk walk walk.

Walking gives you lots of time to think and lots of things to look at. I find myself doing stupid things while I walk...like setting goals...For example....I'm walking and I see a man behind me jogging...and keep in mind the trails are zig-zaggy..like a snail trail....so I begin to set a goal of how far I must get BEFORE he catches up with me...I choose the chain link fence 50 yards ahead.....then when I get there I think "YESSSS, beat him....I win".....then wonder, ok exactly what did I win? Nothing...absolutely nothing...so what in the world was the game all about? Why did I need to make up a game? I'm not even competitive...I'm the type that really just wants the game to be over once I've had my drink and snack and my back starts to get a little achy...

Next, I find myself being judgemental of the "excercisers"....like HE needs to walk a little faster, or boy, nice outfit to walk in here out in public....or are you on a way to a playboy photo shoot, oops, prob not...you're 60! But my favorite was the woman with the book. I tried to snap her picture w/my phone but failed to save it bc I was afraid of being caught snapping her pic on her "walk"...although is it really a walk when You are carrying a book? Maybe it is just that...a walk...and not excercise...I judged her a little harshly...I was very proud of the very large man....I judged him well...wanted to say, "hey, good for you, hang in there...." but as soon as I thought that then I thought about saying, "you know, it's not really about the amount of excercise you do...it's about how many chips you eat on the couch"...then I felt bad because at first I judged well, then it went south...guess that's why we're not supposed to judge at all.

Anyway...now I'm home...skipped the Y bc I decided to do 2 laps of the park...a little over 4 miles....it's time for the afternoon rain....I hate that...right when I get here....ready for some cool pool time....it's cool rain time...day 7, oh well....that's all.

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