oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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Miracle & Paint Day

Today is a two-fold day...yep...today is miracle AND paint day.

First, my buddy Cyndi's "one-eyed" kitty "winky" came home....after being gone for ...TWO YEARS....that's the miracle. First you need to know the background story of one-eyed kitty. My buddy lives on a farm with, I think, 3 horses, 3 outside dogs, and 1 inside dog. They use to have more horses, a rabbit, more cats and sometimes birds that they keep....Mr. Cyndi (also known as Mr. NASCAR) does not really like pets...he doesn't really even like the country...but they have a great estate (in NC and it's for sale too!) and he's a good sport! My buddy Cyndi likes to..how shall we say it???hmmm...rescue & collect things...one eyed kitty was literally scraped from the pavement of the highway after she saw him runover...she promptly took him to the vet and said, "fix him"....he did....Mr. Cyndi got the bill....it wasn't pretty.....then one eyed kitty fell in love with the Hosey family and lived there...for awhile...then disappeared....since they live waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out...everyone assumed...well, don't say it outloud...just whisper the word coyote......but...today....Winky came home...he's a "Hosey-cat" again....luckeeeey!

Welcome home Winky!

Next, it is paint day...and it's the last paint class of the Summer...we had 4...I missed 2...but here is today's masterpiece....It's a barn, at sunset, with a white picket fence....look at those windows (ahhhh) I was sitting there painting, secretly hating the whole process since everytime the Instructor would ask, "do you see it?" I knew I saw nothing...but kept painting away inspite of my inner turmoil. When she asked if we needed any help...knowing I was beyond help I kept quiet...but Gator Valerie said she thought she might just go home now....she was having as much fun as me.....

Our Instructor tried to encourage us with these words she gave us in the form of a handout. It read:

Do not compare yourself to others...painting is fun!

Ok...I think all real Artists say that..it's because it is easy and fun for them...I think it would be fun if there weren't so many rules ...but rules MAKES paintings look right...it's like snow skiing...you can't just wing it!

So we press on....living outside the comfortable box!!

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