oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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Marc Miller's Random Rule World

Yep...I live in "random rule world"...and I am "wait on the repairman-girl" (always with 2 dogs in tow). That's what I do...I wait for repairmen...and I really do need to get out more...or make some new friends...yesterday, I realized I was talking too much when all of a sudden "POOF"...I woke up and saw that the "heat pump" repairman was walking backwards on my sidewalk, was 20 feet away from me saying, "uh, huh, yep, well I gotta go"....and I still had more to say...and I was talking about stuff that didn't have anything to do with the heat pump...I was telling him stories.....so embarassed!

BUT...back to Mr. Miller's random rule world. Everyday I hear the words, "When the Ramble house sells.....". The end of the sentence always has something to do with what we will "do on that great day"....this sentence has been repeated MANY times per day for now 2 1/2 years....the girls and I truly believe the house will never sell because he will always be trying to make the best deal EVEN in a dead dead dead real estate market....argh...BUT that is another story best left to a professional counselor to decipher.....back to MY story...

Mr. Miller says all big purchases or expenditures are on hold except "necessities". This means no vacations, no new toys (cars, boats, etc.), no new furniture, art, no ANYTHING..."until the house sells". This, however, does not really apply to him...just us! BECAUSE just this week...the Mistah has seen fit to purchase 1) a membership to the Country Club (it was such a deal and now he won't have to be embarassed when asked to play golf and he has to say, "yes I live in the CC but am not yet a memeber"; 2) new computer (the old one crashed); 3) new printer (he really did ask if I thought he was really going to walk down the hall to my printer every time he had to print something...really...is this YOUR office or is Munroe?? I counted the steps....from desk to desk it is 27 steps); 3) new screen and keyboard...Oh, can't forget this...4) had to upgrade the DISH network suscription (needed more channels) ...

Also, he's on a repairman kick....so far this week we've had 1) the heater repaired; 2) pool heat pump looked at ...didn't have it repaired...$400...I put my foot down and said, "No"; 3) all the carpets in the house were cleaned...loved this guy...told him how the carpets were cleaned when we moved in but not properly....seemed stains were coming "up out of the carpet"....we certainly weren't making them this dirty...Now, we all know Miss Lucy-Goose had a tiny leetle problem w/going pp on the carpet in the dining room when she had her UTI (inflicted upon her by her mean parents who thought it was a good idea to give her "cat" treats bc they are small...OH YEAH AND FILLED WITH WRONG INGREDIENTS THAT BLOCK LITTLE TINY BABY YORKIES URINARY TRACTS)....I saw fit to spray really well before he got here and got up all her "little accident stains". Well, he's going along cleaning up all those 'horrid stains from the previous owners"...when he decides to pull out some new "device" that he "punches" down into the carpet. I ask, "what's that for?" He replies, "it detects moisture"....busted...at that moment a loud ALARM goes off...he looks at me with that 'knowing look'..and I say, "oh, yeah, you are going to find moisture in that room...our Yorkie has had a UTI and she has used this room alot this week....... at that moment everything I had said about the horrid previous owners went out the window...he was convinved WE were the dirty people.....argh...shoulda told him about the Goose right up front....

And now....and this is my favorite....as we speak there is a man out in the front yard trimming our trees...yep, he was here this Summer when we moved in...trimmed them 'up' 15 feet....Marc apologized and told me, "I'm sorry that I can't be comfortable with them only being 15' up...I need them to be 20' up... AND...the guy is pulling down the moss that hangs in the trees....this is Florida...EVERYONE has moss in their trees...it's harmless....but TODAY....we are having the trees trimmed AGAIN...and the moss removed...can't wait to see that bill....

BUT there is one more "random world" entry. I was paying the bills the other day...online and saw a $50/ month subscripton to "realty trax". What? So I asked...."what is this for?" He gently reminded me..."when the Ramble house sells.......we are going to be investing in real estate, this sub keeps me up to date on all the houses on the market here in Ocala"....oh really? And when will that be since the HOUSE ISN"T EVEN ON THE MARKET???????????????????????????

Again, in the gentle voice, "I need to be ready to pull the trigger on an investment".....I'm thinking at $50/month for another YEAR at the least? That's when I realized.... I am on the "only if it's necessary" agenda....he is not.

I love this man but absolutely cannot understand any aspect of his brain. Do we have extra money or don't we? I think I will go shopping...AND get a pedi AND a mani AND fly to Indiana for a visit....and yes, I WILL have 2 colors vs 1 put in my hair and maybe those wildly expensive boots that I DIDN"T buy.... I will go back for them.....argh.....

ok, enough whining....the Dog Groomer is here....and, oh look, there's Nancy, the pool lady......and we are all listening to the "varooom" of the chainsaw.............

laundry room office dogs

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