oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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Grass doesn't mow itself....durn!

most recent ironing board cover

hidden one underneath

brand spankin new one!!

Ok, I've come to the conclusion I am a bad housewife. Yesterday, while doing some "retail therapy" in Tallahassee...and that is a whole 'nother story....I FINALLY remembered to buy a new ironing board cover. I know, I know....that's not a big deal to those with degrees and full time "careers"...but it is important in this house...because we iron...a-lot (a word Adrianne is not allowed to use at her fancy university in her Sr.

writing classes bc the Professor says, "describe what you are saying, don't cop out and use a non-descript word like 'a-lot'," but I'm using it!...rebel)

retail therapy evidence

ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....FINALLY we have a new one....when I took the old crusty one off (see above crumbled grayish one)...I discovered ANOTHER one underneath it....it too was awful and crusty.....what is wrong with me? They're cheap, it takes 45 seconds to install.....argh!!

gall bladder girl and groomed pups!

All I know is I have waaaaaaaay more fun filling the above bags than I do doing household chores...but oh, the joy when the new cover is on...that's how you know you are a "real" housewife....joy comes!

Now, how about that yard? Is is just going to mow itself? I think the Mistah thinks, "yes"...bc ever since my surgery....noone has mowed it...and yep, the grass is still growing....argh....and how about those graduation announcements? Huh? For BOTH my Sr's?....do they have caps and gowns ordered???? And is that Sr. portrait gonna frame itself? And, oh, how about that light you were going to take to that "friend" on Saturday???? IT"S STILL ON THE COUNTER, HELLO?????? Still no hotel reservations for graduation in April (which are all prob sold out by now...) No thank you notes written to alllllllllllllll the people who bailed me out during my recovery and fed my family......

I like it that the 5 birthday cards I bought a week ago are all still on the counter...unsigned...everyone's b-days have passed...good job there too chicka!!

Kippy & Delivered foods (yummy)

BUT...in the last 7 days I have managed to VOTE (yay) attend a Republican Businessmen's Celebration hoopla, listened to Bobby Bowden speak at a fundraiser, been to the movies 2x. once w/my honey, once with my kids, taken my dogs to the Vet, spent some time with a good friend, had lunch w/another, FSU Former FB Coach, Bobby Bowden

sent flowers to yet another, went to the Dr. for my follow-up surgical visit, cooked lunch and baked brownie volcanoes for my Bible study Group,printed pictures, had the carpet's cleaned, weeded the front bed, got all Whitney's volleyball gear ready for tonite's Regional Semi-Finals' game and spent quality time with Adah & "Kippy" in Tallahassee (and had to have my car towed, and picked up again......guess I am more of a social butterfly than a task-master...at ast the laundry is

done, house is clean (thank you Joann), pool is clean (thank you Nancy) and dogs are fed...oh, and groomed, (thanks Shelly)! Oh...and create this blog post....hmmm :/

The good news? My best buddy is just like me...it's November 8...she mailed my b-day present yesterday....19 days late...hmmm? That's not too late...actually I really thrilled to have a present coming...can't wait to have a little "visit" from my buddy! Cheers C2, wish you were here!!

Mr. "Pak-Mail" himself and recipient of Cyndi's long, heartfelt story as to "why" the gift is so late....look at the compassion written all over his face....

C2...a good housewife "poser"....

..I think I'll go to the gym now...have a vb game out of town tonite...need to be ready, mentally...hahahhahaha!

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