oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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see I am doing a new thing...

Ok...alot going on here....lots of new stuff.

#1 Finally went Gator watching....very exciting...I laughed at the "men-boys" that were on the boat....when you go out you have lights on your heads...attached to a car battery...you shine it on the water and gator eyes shine red...thats how you 'spot' them...you then, very carefully creep up on them in the boat and peer over the side to get a good look...creepy....but the most fun to the men-boys is the ride back when they open up the boat full throttle, lights on, spotting gators then attempting to run over them with the boat....they always go under but...ahhhhhh! (pics to come) crazy.

#2 Saw the shuttle launch here...we were heading out in the truck to gator watch when we saw this (see pic) in the air...upon closer inspection we could actually see the shuttle flying...so very very very cool..the locals were not as impressed as us newbies.....we squealed with delight...the Teacher on board is a local.

#3 Time for March's 2nd verse...did I post the 1st one?

Psalm 143:8 "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go for to you I lift up my soul".

#4 Got yelled at by a neigbor and told NOT picking up doggy-doo in FL is illegal....ahhh

OK, I'm picking UP natural fertilzer but we pay for toxic fertilizer to be put down....then I put the "fertilizer" in a non-biodegradable plastic bag and put it in my trash which goes to the landfill? P.S. I live in a RETIREMENT COMMUNITY...these people don't walk in their yards...EVER EVER EVER....they don't walk outside period! They are from NY...it's too hot...sorry Jesus.

Liberal-wackos should all go to Siberia....I'm just thinking out loud here..sorry Jesus.

#5 Adah is spending her Spring Break with us...long story...but we're happy.

#6...hmmm, not ready to broadcast yet....

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