oh to live this...

"...the faith that surmounts the evidence and is able to warm itself at the fire of God's love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness..."

The Miller-4

The Miller-4



soooo love the beach

soooo love the beach
Ormond Beach, FL

1 Peter 2:15

"For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant
talk of foolish men."

Song lyrics that I love.....

"Rid me of myself, I belong to you....lead me to the cross"
"Your Name brings life more than the air I breathe"
"You make everything glorious and I am Yours.....what does that make me?"

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Christmas revisited!

(The girls with Dramuh and Ollie in the new Gazebo!!)
I can't start the new year without at least mentioning the wonderful Christmas we had. We had Christmas in our little rental...the best ever because I took the girls with me this year to pick out their goodies...they shopped with Marc for me...and they wrapped 90% of the stuff....very very relaxing. Then, we traversed the country...well, kinda....We left sunny Florida, it was 84 degrees...we were dressed for Southern Indiana...so we were all sweaty by the time we packed the Volvo. Dog, luggage, presents, 2 girls, Ma and Pa set out for Grandmas...or "Dramuhs" as we call her. We decided we'd drive an extra 2 hours (for our stopover midpoint) and stay over in Chatanooooooga (sounds like a horn)...and have breakfast with Marc's cousins & Aunts....we bedded it down in the only room available in a Pet-friendly hotel...use your imagination..yep, that's it. The girls got to sleep on a pull out couch...facing us...the dog leaped from 1 bed to the other all nite because he had slept allllll day thanks to his doggy tranquilizer....he wanted to go out at 2 am....my mind considered it...then realized it would involve full body clothes, an elevator ride, not to mention the frigid TN temp....I made him wait until Marc woke up at 5...gotta love that man.

(Tennessee family)

We had breakfast at one of those all u can eat places (secretly we loved it) had a good visit and headed north....arriving at my Mom's....the first time I've been home when my Dad was not sitting at the kitchen table waiting to greet us...his absence was a constant. I've mentioned before...he was kinda cranky...but even cranky is missed because it always had its place in the family dynamics...I've never been there when he wasn't. I missed him every minute. It was kinda like the Aboriginese' tradition in the movie "Australia"...once someone passes away you are to never mention their name again....We weren't trying not to mention his name....we just couldn't bring ourselves to talk about him...it's too soon, too raw...the tears were always about to overflow. That was difficult.
Dan's new ride...and willing passenger.... )

But soon the family started pouring in...we ate all the traditional stuff that is served up in So. Indiana...."Italian Spaghetti"...made with lots of onions and bacon....cottage cheese at every meal...rivoli's (stewed tomatoes with homemade dumplings) etc., etc. Christmas dinner took place there on Saturday...everyone in attendance minus my brother Chris' family...they celebrated in Texas. A total of 25 sat down for a feast...then 25 opened presents ...1 at a time...it's tradition...and each gift is graded...."good present"...everyone says it in unison...and they are!

Miss Ava plays "Santa"
After a fun weekend there full of 'guy movies (hellboy II) and chic flicks (27 dresses) and HOURS of visiting from alll the extended relatives, and Marc singing at Dan's church...we headed SE....to visit THE house....we stopped off in TN to pick up Adrianne's honey then continued on to the mountains...arrived, turned the heat and water back on and voila....it's our home again....we even hosted (kinda) a New Years Eve party....lots of friends came out....we are such a party crowd that everyone was able to make it because no plans (besides family dinners) had yet been made....I love our friends.

NC gals....buds for life!!

We made it back to Florida in time to have 2 more days at home before returning to work...and a few more days before the girls headed back to school.

I loved this Christmas. We celebrated in Florida on Christmas Eve with our newfound friends and church family...then our visits in IN, TN, and NC with family and friends was full of quality time and "love".

This was a very good Christmas indeed. Happy Birthday Jesus!

The Miller-4 plus a drugged pup...in the traditional family photo op at Grandmas...in front of the tree!

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